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It happened really quick. They were ruling the world at first, because they were the only ones with oil.

Now they're fighting to keep it. I knew that the country was in need, so I quit my job right as I heard that more men were needed to fight.

The U.S. has allied with a handful of countries in Europe, Canada, and a few African countries, calling themselves the OWO (Old World Order). China, Russia, Germany, Japan and another handful of Asian and South American countries have teamed up as the NWO (New World Order).

My name is JT Vereen, or you could call it Private Vereen. I had a job as an accountant at a big bank in LA. I had 2 girls, 9 and 14, and a beautiful wife. My life was pretty normal, until it happened.

The US anticipated it, but didn't expect to actually be invaded. They were caught by surprise when Japan hacked into their main systems and shut it down. That's when war was confirmed.

U.S. strikes back by sending a jet to drop a package onto the shores of Japan without them noticing. I still wonder what the point of that was.

The NWO have set up their main military base camp in Peru, so that they could be closer to what they came for. I hope we are ready to brace what is to come.

I'm to report to camp in 6 days, March 12th.

Before I left, we had a party for my departure to Ft. Laudyn. Many people congratulated me and encouraged me for my bravery.

The trip there was quite peaceful. No kids, and no worries, except what was to come at the camp... and worse. War. Would I die? I've heard about people who came back from war with mental disorders and had gone crazy from what they had seen at battle. Would that happen to me? I prayed and prayed that I wouldn't end up that way. Having to live like that would be worse than dying. I'd rather die.

As I walked into the camp to have my bags checked, I saw the many obstacles out in the field, and the shooting ranges. How could anyone shoot from that far? I guess I just need special training. I guess that's what this camp is for.

Captain Wattson told me that this camp would push me harder than I would ever get pushed in my life. It would force me to reach for something deeper inside me that I have never reached before. But for today, I'm only suppose to get my stuff settled and take it easy today.

Training starts tomorrow.

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