not guilty

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Bakugou stared at his own reflection in the mirror of his own bathroom. He stared long and hard, until he was filled with so much anger and discomfort it almost physically hurt him.

Clenching his fists, he resisted the urge the slam them against the countertop. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have put himself in such a vulnerable state? How could he possibly set himself up and put you in such emotional danger?

You hadn't known yet. Nobody had told you about the kiss that Setsuna had placed against his own lips when he was cornered in the kitchen of Kirishima's party.
His stomach turned at the flashback running through his head, eyes clenching shut.

❝You having fun?❞ Her voice soothed out of her lips, dancing around the empty kitchen. Setsuna strolled in, her forest green hair bouncing perfectly against her shoulders. Her mask was nowhere to be seen, giving a new light to her gorgeous, glossy eyes.
Bakugou seated atop the counter, solo cup in hand and cellphone in the other.
He was clearly not having fun, as he sat in his own isolation in the kitchen with nothing but browning bananas and a few stray apples placed next to them.

❝You stupid? Do I look like I'm having fun?❞ He scoffed and leaned back, head resting back against the cabinets behind him.

Setsuna - honestly everybody - was used to Bakugou's crude and aggressive attitude so his insult hadn't phased her as much as it would with anybody else.
She leaned back against the island parallel to his place on the countertop. Blinking boredly, Bakugou watched as she stretched her body up, showing the perfectly accented curves on her body. It was such a weird feeling, to be alone with a girl that wasn't you. He knew if you were here, that would make this whole interaction a bit less awkward and unsettling.
It's not like he was purposely checking her out or anything.

❝Where's your girlfriend?❞ Setsuna asked, a sly, barely noticeable smirk coming to her lips when she watched Bakugou roll his eyes. ❝Studying up like a good girl?❞

Bakugou didn't respond for a moment, only lifting the cup to his lips and wincing slightly at the gross taste of low-quality alcohol that Kaminari was stupid enough to buy.
❝There's a reason she's almost top of her class.❞
He replied with a snarky tone, not enjoying the way Setsuna began to tease you without your knowledge.

❝Seems pretty hinged. It's almost like she hates to have fun, isn't it?❞ Setsuna giggled, playing it off as a joke. ❝Such a bummer! You would've been having twice the fun if she were here with you, huh?❞
Her eyebrows lifted slightly, and her hand brushed back some of her green hair to reveal her shoulder and mild-cleavage. Bakugou would be lying if he said he didn't catch a quick glance before rolling his eyes, turning his attention back to his phone.

❝Bakugou? I'm talking to you.❞ Her voice whined, and the hairs on his neck stood when he felt her presence approaching her. His eyebrows scrunched in annoyance, though he refused to look back up at her.
❝I can make it up to you. She won't have to know, you know?❞ Her voice purred, hands placing themselves against his knees. The green haired beauty stepped between his legs, hands trailing higher.

That seemed to flip a switch for Bakugou as his face contorted to anger, and he looked up at her with a dangerous glare.
❝Get any closer and Ill blast you to damn—❞

❝Good,❞ She moaned before placing a hand on the back of his head and pulling him close, slamming his lips against his own. Shock had fully coursed through his body when the foreign feeling of a different girl's lips had molded against his.
His eyes were wide, the only thoughts running through his head were you. This was disgusting, especially to him.
Her assault on him had lasted no longer than a mere five seconds before he shoved her off of him, hard enough to send her back to the island counter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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