chapter 1 the Deal

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You well walking along the streets of hell one month after the first exsternation that you survived you were feeling very proud of yourself a little bit to much. That you have no idea that you walked into the canbele side of town. Because you were still kinda new to hell you didn't know what to think about this side of hell but it scared you. The fear was so strong alerted the present of alestor so he tellaports in front of you. He says "hello dear alow me to get rid of some of you're fear" you replied with "h-how can you tell?! " he says with a smile "I can smell it a mile away from you my dear" so you say "well what is your name my name is (y/n) " he says " I'm alestor my dear if I can come you down you will do stuff for me "he exsinds his head to you. You shake it say " deal" he laughs says "that's wonderful! "

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