meeting her smile

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 Guys this might be bad im ann idiottt..... like i just started wattpadd " plus it gonna be slow for the chapter so  you might have to read the next cause i tink it be longer!

Gracie walked into school hoping she would finally find a girlfriend.. Gracie: uh Emma we should hangout and maybe go to lagoon this weekend? Emma : um no I have to help my mom clean this weekend maybe next week sorry. Emma walks out the classroom as Gracie sits their sad as if shes been abused. Gracie went to her house and sloped up the stairs. She stomped when she got up and slammed the door. She wished she could have asked to help clean but she new she was just going to get them distracted. * knock.  Gracie opened the door it was her mom. Her mom felt sorry and gave her a hug. She went to the kitchen and but some chocolate chips, skittles, and m and m's. She went make upstairs and gave it to Gracie. She was watching her favorite Korean dramas. Meanwhile with Emma. Emma: why didn't i say yes i'd love to go to lagoon but she had already been too late.. She softly cried after a while she wiped her tears her dad knocked on the door and came in . She had told him what happened. 

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