Chapter 1

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“Sorry,” I say, tucking a loose hair behind my ear. I fidget nervously, my hands hanging uselessly by my side. Urgh, this is embarrassing. He calmly picks up my books without glancing at me and shoves it near my face before reluctantly taking it from his hands. “ T-thanks,” I mutter but he’s already gone. Why am I always like this? Dammit Carl, why are you always like this?

I stand up from where I was sitting before, tucking my books back into my bag. “Hey, Hannah!” I turn around and smile, “ Are you okay? Where were you?” I turn away, my smile vanishing.

“I just went to get some food. From the canteen.” Landa narrows her eyes and opens her mouth as if to say something. She shakes her head, looking at me sadly. I smack myself in the head internally. Crap, I forgot I’m so bad at lying.


“Mmmh…” I edge away and exclaim, “Oh look, you know what? Time passes so quickly. I need to get to my lesson,”  She nods, and I feel guilty. For what? I don’t need to tell her anything, right? I sprint down the corridor and make the mistake of turning around. Landa is turning away from me, her long black locks tangled. Her shoulders are shaking. When was the last time I asked her how she was feeling? Maybe months ago. I want to hug her then but I face forward just in time as my face collides with a wall.


Carl.Carlcarlcarlcarl…. I stare at the back of his head. Carl. Carlcarlcarlcarlcarl… His hair...It’s so blonde… Carlcarlcarlcarlcarl…

I thought we could get married,you know? Have kids, maybe a dog or two. I was so crazy in love with him- wait, that’s wrong. I am so crazy in love with him.  If I was to draw a timeline it would probably look like this:

2 months old- I want HIS nappy.

1 years- First word? Carl? Nope. But, still. It was similar.

2 years- His food is my food.

4 years- Let’s watch Tweenies together!

6 years- No, Carl is my boyfriend. (Happy times.I pushed a girl over since she insisted she was his. Got. Extremely. Pissed.)

6 years- He was handsome even then, okay?

10 years- Sad phase.’Dating’ 3 girls at a time. Never me.

14- Looking up wedding venues.

16- Making an album of his pictures.

17- Not a stalker anymore. No wedding, nothing.

Still. In. Love.

I’m so caught up in my daydream I didn’t realise that what I thought was Carl’s nice (as in really nice) neck was in fact his nice (nicer) eyes. Oh… He looks at me amused and I swear I faint. I don’t.

Wait, why is everyone looking at me?

“Are you done yet, Miss Whitte?” the teacher walks towards me and I look up at her nervously. “Or do you need some extra hours of sleep? In detention?” I stay silent. “Well?”

I flush. I make a small reminder to revise rhetorical and non rhetorical questions.

“Um…” I look at Carl again and he’s looking at me intently. My heart stops for a second. I turn again, and turn to Landa who looks away. “Um...I wasn’t sleeping, Miss,”

“Oh?I’m sorry, are you saying I’m wrong?” Yes.

“No,” I was day-dreaming. Which,I guess, is technically the same.

“Then are you saying I’m blind?”


“Good. So I’m telling you. You were asleep in my lesson which is very disrespectful and rude to both me and your classmates. You’re not only wasting my time and effort since it had taken my whole day off to create a powerpoint just for you but you’ve also prevented your fellow friends from learning and being educated. Meet me here straight after school.” I felt like crying, my face was as bright as a tomato.

“Sorry,” I mutter as she goes on about how we must set a good example for the younger people. Great, my first detention. I see Ellie’s head hit the desk with a loud thump and she quickly yanks her head up, eyes wide.

“What’d I miss?” she slurs, “ Is the lesson over yet?” And with that, she rests her head neatly on her arms again before going back to her dream. Her red curls touch the desk and her blue eyes shut. “ Mhmm, Alex,”

Mrs. Murphy glances at her before carrying on. “ And so the reason why this reaction is….”


After detention, I quickly walk out of the school building with my car keys in one hand and my phone in the other.

When exactly did you say this study session ends??? x

Relax Mom, I’m already out.

KK. But ur bros eatin ur dinner so u betta come home ASAP. Lol!  Love u xoxo

Love you too

I cringe. She’s nice and I’m really lucky to have her as my mother but sometimes, she just tries too hard to ‘fit in’ with what’s ’popular’ nowadays. I stop and squint my eyes. A couple are kissing passionately, grinding together and moaning loudly. The boy has one hand behind the girl’s hair and one underneath her skirt. I look down and attempt to squeeze past them to reach my car.

“Ohhh…” I keep my eyes on the pavement. “Ah, Jake…” I grit my teeth and see a pair of sexy red heels as reach the couple. The car they are leaning on is so close to mine and they still manage to block the way.

“Excuse me,” I mutter.

“Mmm…” I tap the girl on the shoulder. She lifts her head up, the boy’s mouth still firmly pressed against her neck. She doesn’t look fazed or annoyed.

“Sorry, can you move please? I kinda need to get to my car,” Instantly, she flushes and she straightens up.

“Ah, sorry,” She attempts to push Jake away, but fails. She steps to one side and smiles apologetically. She’s really pretty. Her platinum is long and slightly disheveled from all the kissing. Jake turns around annoyed and I stop breathing. Oh my-

“Just go already,” he says flatly and I quickly slide in, embarrassed.
Why do I always mess up?

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