New student

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I got back into the mha fandom oopsie, small smut/nsfw warning

Jirou sighed as she approached the gates to her new school, she had just transferred here due to her moving to Japan recently and the school letting her take the entry exam even though everyone else had already done it

"...I don't think I'm ready for this... everyone is already half way done through the first quarter and I don't even know anyone... they're probably just gonna judge my quirk too.." she sighed as she began to turn around, only to see her parents waving bye to her
She awkwardly waved back and walked into the school

"Can't turn back now... my parents are watching.." she muttered to herself

She aimlessly walked around the school attempting to find her classroom

"Ugh, why couldn't I get here at the normal time.. I could've just followed someone to class"

"I'm excuse me! Do you need help?" Someone yelled, he ran up to Jirou

"Ah! Uh... n-no I'm good"

"You look lost? Are you sure... oh! How rude of me I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Izuku Midoria, but everyone just calls me Deku"

"O-oh uhh my name is uh... Kyoka Jirou... but everyone just calls me gay"

"Why the fuck did I say that" Jirou thought

"Huh? What was that last part?"

"Uh nothing... I just said uh... nobody really calls me anything, as I have no friends"

"That wasn't any better..." Jirou sighed and awkwardly looked away

"Uh, so you must be new! What class are you heading too?"

"Uh... class 1-A"

"Ah! The hero course! I'm in that class too, I can show you the way!" He smiled and started walking the direction of the classroom, Jirou following behind

"He's kinda cute... for a guy, maybe I might be bisexual?"

They walked into the classroom, a small boy immediately ran up and greeted himself

"Hello~ you must be new, I'm the hottest man in this class you'll ever meet, so if you wanna hook up then I'm around~"

"And I'm suddenly a lesbian again"

"Um... I'm not interested"

"Why? Are you a lesbian? Because I think that's ho-"

He was slowly pushed aside

"Sorry about that, that was Mineta"

"Interesting... w-where's my seat? Or where do I sit..."

"There's an empty seat next to Yaoyorozu over there!" Deku smiled and pointed

Jirou nodded and walked to the seat and sighed
She placed her head against the desk and waited for something interesting to happen, her first day and the teacher is asleep on the floor

"I hope it doesn't stay like that forever, I'm kinda here to learn" Jirou muttered

She sighed as the bell rang and the teacher left, soon walking in Ms midnight a couple of minutes later

"Hello class~"

Jirou immediately felt her core heating up as she quickly looked away

"Why is she so hot?" She muttered

"I work out~" Midnight responded she walked up to Jirou and tilted her head up to make eye contact

"Sorry hun~ you're to young~" she smiled and walked back to the front of the classroom

I love you- MomojirouWhere stories live. Discover now