Holding Grudges

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A young man stood in the background of the school, staring back into his past. "Well… I guess it’s time to go in..." He said, face blank, hand on his chest, trying to keep calm.

"Good morning everyone, we have yet another transfer student joining us today!" Miss Yamada said joyfully.

The students groaned, and sighed saying things along the lines of "Another one!" "Think we could get any more students Miss Yamada?" and other things.

"Don't worry this one's going to be interesting." She replied.

"So, who is this new girl anyway?" Cecilia asked.

"I'm pretty sure I'm of the male gender, and I also believe you already know me Cecilia." Said the young man, walking in. He stood in front of the class and smiled widely "I am Jordan Orion Wheeler the second male to pilot an IS."

Ichika looked up at this "Finally! Another guy that is really a guy!" he thought.

"Jordan?! You actually came back!" Cecilia grins.

"What, did you doubt that I would? After all these years, did you really think that I’d go back on a promise?" Jordan stared her in the eyes, obviously not entirely fond of her.

The other girls stare between him and Cecilia, trying to find out what their relationship was, they were obviously familiar with each other. However, their feelings were completely opposite the other. Cecilia seemed to have an affection towards him, however Jordan did not return those feelings. The girls stared at his muscular build and, while he was attractive, due to his glare at Cecilia there was a slight fear of him too.

"Who exactly are you again?" Laura said, not intimidated at all by him.

"Jordan Orion Wheeler." He smiled at her, but his smile dropped and he returned his glare towards Cecilia, resentment written all over his face.

"I've heard that somewhere before…" Ichika says.

"No way! Are you Jessica Wheelers son?!" one of the girls said.

"Yes, I am." He says with a grin.

"Isn't she the Italian representative contender?!" the girl asks.

"That she is, taught me everything I know, although I still haven't got the hang of this IS yet." He answers.

"You have your own personal IS?! What's it called?!" Cecilia squeals.

"I have no reason to reveal that to you." He returns to glaring at her.

"Calm yourself, Wheeler, there will be no personal vendetta’s in my classroom, now sit in your seat." Miss Orimura said.

“Yes, miss Orimura.” He nods and sits down next to the girl he’d most likely not get furious with, Charlotte.

"Thank you." Miss Orimura responds.

"Hey, who are you?” Jordan asks Charlotte

"I'm Charlotte Dunois. So, what’s going on between you and Cecilia?" she replies.

"There will be no personal vendetta’s in this classroom." He glares at the floor.

As class started Jordan did his best to keep his mind off of that dumb, dense girl. She played him into her hands, but what happened to him? Nothing, she used him. He was her little stepping stool for years. To think that he could ever have fallen for her.

"Okay Wheeler, you will be assigned to your dorm after class today, here's the guide to IS's that you have to read by tomorrow." Chifuyu said.

"Okay, I didn't need the sleep tonight anyways." He said, eyes straight.

"Good then,also, talk to me after class today during lunch." She said.

When lunch came around, Jordan stays in the classroom, pulling out a pizza he made by himself.

“So,” Chifuyu sits down “tell me what happened with you and Cecilia.”

“It’s simple, I fell for her, she ignored me, I got angry, and I still hold that grudge.” Jordan looks at her, bland.

“Well, if you could please speak with her about it outside of the classroom.” Chifuyu suggests.

“I don’t want to hear her dumb voice again.” Jordan scoffs.

“Well then, just leave her alone, and don’t talk to her.” Chifuyu states.

“Alright, Miss Orimura. I’ll do as you say.” Jordan nods.

“Good. Thank you for your obedience.” Chifuyu smiles. Jordan walks out of the room, calmly and goes to the cafeteria. He enjoys the pizza he made, and soon, Charlotte walks up to him.

“Is something going on with you and Cecilia?” Charlotte asks.

“Old crushes leads to present grudges. Or, at least, that seems to be how it works with me.” Jordan scowls.

“Oh. I have a question.” Charlotte says.

“Please tell me you’re not gonna ask for my mom’s autograph, I barely see her myself.” Jordan rests his head on his hands.

“No, I was wondering, why did you want to sit next to me?” Charlotte inquires.

“I was hoping that you’d be the one least likely to piss me off. You have this calm, motherly aura about you. Plus, I stupidly gravitate towards blonds. As you may have noticed.” Jordan looks her in the eyes, sharply.

“Me? Motherly?” Charlotte puts her hand on her chest.

“Yeah, spending a long time without my mother I kept looking back when her and I spent days together. When I was still a child. I have a photographic memory, you see. Every single sight I’ve seen I remember.” Jordan states.

“So, every single time that something happened with Cecilia…” Charlotte starts.

“Yeah, every single time she obviously heard me but ignored my words, acting as if they had never been said.” Jordan bares his teeth.

“I didn’t think Cecilia was like that…” Charlotte trails off.

“Well, I spent a lot of my time with her as a kid, wasting time if you ask me, obviously the feelings I had weren’t returned.” Jordan turns his head away from her, but then looks her in the eyes. “Why did you come over here to talk to me?”

“I guess you were right about me being motherly.” Charlotte smiles.

“Yeah, I guess I was.” Jordan returns her smile. They continue talking together all throughout lunch, learning more about each other. Jordan nearly cries when he hears about how her mother had died, he does his best to hold back his anger when he heard about her greedy father, and laughed when she told him about those awkward moments with Ichika.

Charlotte listened intently to Jordan’s story about his past. She sympathised with his detached parents who still so deeply loved him, she teared up when she heard of his lost brother, she laughed when she hears of his time living with Cecilia, and, when she heard about what happened between him and Cecilia, she commented, saying “Any girl who toys with a man’s heart like that should be kicked by a horse and die.” making Jordan laugh a bit too loud. Whether Jordan liked it or not, he was starting to fall for Charlotte. She had made him feel better, in fact, he almost wanted to go and apologize to Cecilia. Almost.

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