pt 1. the letter

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Nad groaned as they opened his letter from the school seeing that she got all bad teachers.
"This sucks" they thought to himself
"Just like me #isuckcock" his s/o kelly chimed in
"Nobody asked" nad responded flipping off kelly and going to sulk in his room alone.
"This can't get any worse" he thought to himself
Just then they got an email, enclosed with the best news they've heard all year
"Im so sorry for the inconvenience but that schedule was mixed up with another students, that was actually meant for alec, we will be sending you the correct schedule asap, sorry again!"
"HA! KISS MY UNWASHED ASS ALEC!!!! LLLLLL FAGGOT" noi screamed out of joy, bouncing on her bed up and down like a child, soon enough he got another email.... The correct schedule
They skimmed through it, having mostly decent teachers, then something caught his eye........ Could it be? She couldn't believe it. They nearly cried of joy.
"English pd.1 mr.pig" he read
Oh. My. Fucking. God. Mr. Pig was the biggest dilf of the school, most kids had a crush on him and those that didn't were shunned and labeled an outcast, just like emo alec... But we dont bring him up.
Noi knew at that moment he was gonna find a way into mr. Pigs boxers, she just didnt know how yet....

"Its Daddy Pig To You" Nad x Daddy Pig (smut)Where stories live. Discover now