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At that very point in time, nothing mattered anymore. Nothing at all. But HIM. The freezing rain poured down around the panting hero, each icy drop reflecting the feeling of razor sharp needles pricking his skin and sending an ecstasy of unease rippling down his spine to settle in the pit of his gut. Bakugou's breath formed clouds before his very eyes as the injured hero desperately pried at the chunk of concrete crushing his left leg, his teeth gritting to muffle an ear-splitting cry of pain. For once in his life, he prayed to whatever god was looking down on him in distaste to get him out of this situation...not for himself...but for HIM. Him. The boy who lay only meters from him yet irritatingly out of his reach. Him. The boy who he had pretended to hate and ignored from the first day they met. Him. God, at this point, he'd be grateful if even Deku turned up to save their asses. "HALF- N- HALF!!", Bakugou screamed, his voice raw and strained as he desperately tried to reach Todoroki, at the very least, with his voice. "HALF-N-HALF, GET UP!!"
Todoroki was laying meters away, sprawled out on the rubble with his cheek pressed to the ground, his heterochromic eyes blinking weakly. The bi-coloured haired boy was clearly dazed, a loud ringing still echoing in his ears as he tried to push his weight onto his arms to sit up, although every time he tried, his arms would collapse beneath him unable to hold himself up. What had happened? He couldn't remember. All he knew was that his body was unnaturally weak and the blatantly worried tone in Bakugou's voice was new. Since when had the blonde ever cared about him at all?
Bakugou watched helplessly as a figure stalked towards his classmate, as he dug his nails into the rock and tried to push it off of him, still, pointlessly. Messy ash hair fell around the figure's face, shielding his crimson eyes as Shigaraki approached Todoroki and pressed his knee to the hero's back, roughly. Todoroki let out an agonised scream as two of his ribs were crushed, splintering inside of him and sending a gush of thick crimson blood spilling from him lips, completely choking the young hero. Digging his nails even deeper into the rock, completely ignoring the fact his nails were cracking, Bakugou yelled out his classmate's name again in desperation and utter fear as he watched Todoroki choke on air and blood, spluttering against the ground. Where were the other heroes?! Why were they taking so damn long?! An unfamiliar pressure starting building behind Bakugou's eyes as he tore his gaze from Todoroki, who was currently drowning in his own blood, and scrunched his eyes shut. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening.
"B-Bakugou." Came a small voice, from a throat coated in thick, drying blood. Todoroki reached out a shaky arm, his hand extending out to Bakugou just enough to nudge a strand of blonde hair from his face...but not enough for the explosion hero to grab a hold of him. "I-I know I am not your friend...b-but...I truly thought of you as mine. Thank you."
What the hell was that?! It sounded too much like last words. He hated it. "YOU'RE NOT DYING TODOROKI!" Screamed Bakugou, shoving his hands even further under the rock and sucking in a sharp breath as he felt the ligaments and muscles inside of him tear from the brusque movement, although the adrenaline coursing through his veins completely numbed the pain.
"Thank you." Repeated the bi-coloured haired boy as Shigaraki moved his hand to Todoroki's neck, clasping all five fingers down onto his skin. Never had Bakugou ever heard someone scream so damn loud...until he realised the scream was coming from himself. An endless, horrified scream as he watched the skin on Todoroki's neck crack and shatter like glass, and in a matter of seconds, the number one hero's son was reduced to ash and dust, and Shigaraki disappeared. Everything was dead silent apart from the single raw scream of pain that continued on and on, from since Shigaraki first laid his hand on Todoroki, to the arrival of the pro-heroes minutes later. Although the rock had been removed from his leg, Bakugou felt as though an infinite weight was pressing down on him, making his movements feel as though they were made underwater. He stood, dragged his shattered leg over to where Todoroki had been laying instants earlier, and dropped. The world spun and darkness clawed around his vision as Bakugou pressed a hand to his mouth to suppress yet another scream, before young hero passed out completely. Idiot. Even in his last moments...Todoroki thought Bakugou didn't like him. Todoroki will never know...just how much Bakugou liked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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