boundaries chapter 2 (final part)

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She gasped at the feeling she thought she had got away.. She slowly turned around ushering Xena back under the dock. She flinched as the guard raised his hand off her shoulder but only to realise he just put it down beside his body. "I-Am so sorry it won't happen again" Ophelia said softly to the guard. She stared up and down at his tall and dark figure. " dont worry im not here to take you" the guard replied "you aren't?!" Ophelia shouted back "yes and sorry where are my manners i'm gale. And you are?" "sorry uh i'm Ophelia nice to meet you." "Who's your little friend hiding under there?" "That's Xena" Ophelia crouched down and helped Xena out "nice to meet you Xena '' Gale said back "nice to meet you too. Is there something you want from us?" Xena shot a confused look "oh no not at all i'm here to help you guys.. I know what it's like to have to follow orders" "yeah i guess" Ophelia laughed. She realised this had been the first time she felt safe, the first time she had laughed and the first time she could relax without having to worry in a while. Ophelia figured she'd keep the fact that Xena and her were together a secret as she didnt want to risk not getting help. "C'mon follow me.'' Gale turned around and started walking. Ophelia propped Xena's arm over here and began helping her "walk". Gale led them to an old treehouse farther in the woods. It seemed to be in good condition other than the fact it smelled REALLY bad and was a bit creaky; there were also lots of cobwebs on the treehouse's bright birch walls. Ophelia figured that if they were going to hide out here until she found the cottage that they were headed to she'd NEED to clean up so she could at least make it livable. She started by picking up the twigs and branches that had fallen off into the floors of the treehouse then she stumbled across this bright blue rag. She examined the piece of fabric then thought she could use it to prop up Xena's leg or at least someone make it more sturdy until it healed. "Xena come here!" "What are you okay with?" "yeah im fine but i found something for your leg" "oh really? What" Xena replied. "Its cloth if we go back down to the river and get some mud we can make a cast for your foot" "Ophelia said back Good thinking". At this point it was getting dark and they had enough daylight left to go fix up Xena's "cast", They scurried down to the river bank keeping on low ground just incase. Just in case... Ophelia thought to herself and realized she shouldn't have to worry or think "just incase".. She snapped back into reality and sat Xena on the dock as she used the cast and mud/clay to create something sturdy enough for Xena's leg just until it healed. "Thank you darling" Xena said with a subtle smile on her face" "ofc hun '' Ophelia said then quickly realized Gale could have heard and felt her stomach tied in a knot. Before she could even correct herself and think Gale was leaning against a nearby tree, He smirked then said "darling eh?" Ophelia stood up straight "i couldn't think of a way to tell you or if i even was going to i'm so sorry please don't take us back to the castle please Gale.." "hey don't worry i wouldn't do that sorry to startle you guys but i wondered where you went and came looking" he said back "so your not mad??" Xena butted in "of course not why would i be" she forgot about her leg for a moment and tried to stand up beside Ophelia but almost fell "woah xena are you okay?" Ophelia said as she caught her. "Anyways shouldn't we head back to the treehouse it's getting late" "yeah come on Xena '' ophelia propped her arm on her shoulder and carried Xena back. They got back to the tree house "hey guys come here! Look what i found" Ophelia helped Xena over it was more cloth they could use as blankets as Ophelia left the one she brought behind when the guards found her and Xena. "We could use it to make a place to sleep" Xena said "yeah it's getting late" Ophelia and Gale replied, They shared a laugh and continued talking as they set up beds. "You know i never thought i'd meet 2 girls together but here we are" gale said "well life has unexpected turns' ' Ophelia replied "well you see.. Me and Floyd have been together for quite some time.. You guys should really get better at hiding" he chuckled "floyd?! You mean the guard floyd?!" Xena said back shocked but in excitement "yeah.. Life's full of unexpected turns.. Amiright" gale said "wow. I had no clue I'm happy for you guys!" ophelia replied "thank you both it means alot" "your welcome" the both said back. They all had finally made beds, definitely not comfy but they will do for now Xena, Ophelia and gale all lied down. Xena turned to face ophelia and she looked through the window "the moons beautiful tonight isn't it.." Xena looked back down at ophelia ''i prefer your smile" Ophelia said back placing her hand on Xena's cheek "your too sweet" Xena replied in her sleeping voice" "good night hun" they both said and xena held ophelia's hand. Soon enough Gale and Xena were fast asleep "her dark brown hair and freckles look beautiful in the moonlight" Ophelia thought to herself. She admired Xena's facial features. After a while she went to kiss Xena's cheek but Xena realized and moved her face a bit. It was their first kiss together. Xena put her hand behind Ophelia's neck and moved in closer. They had not moved in what felt like minutes. Ophelia could feel Xena's breathing on her cheek. They both never felt so happy before just staying there living in the moment, not worrying. Ophelia placed her hand under Xena's blouse But just as things got heated gale woke up startling them both. He pretended not to see anything going on and slipped out of the tree house to go to the bathroom. As soon as ophelia felt that everything was okay she heard it again. Her stomach knotted up again she thought she was going crazy. The noise of stomping got louder and louder and closer and closer. Gale still not back she heard a scream and a loud *BANG*. She jumped and.. Woke up, Xena lying beside her. It had all been a dream. Nothing was real. She felt relieved but so confused. Xena woke up from the movement "hey darling are you okay" "yes dear im fine" Ophelia said back. She lied back down and stared at her ceiling until she drifted back to sleep. She never saw or heard the name gale before. She slept through the rest of the night still feeling so confused she walked down the stairs with Xena ''good morning girls' ' he said to them both. "I'm hiring a new guard to replace Charles," her father said "what's his name?" ophelia said clueless, "He should be here very shortly, why don't you ask him yourself". She headed back up stairs with Xena and they both got dressed in their nicest clothes. "You look stunning darling" Xena said to Ophelia. "Thank you hun. So do you" They smiled and headed back down to the lobby there he was. He looked exactly like the guard in my dream ophelia thought to herself, he walked over and ophelia and xena did there best full pledged curtsy "im ophelia and you are" i reached out to shake his hand and got a familiar shiver as he said "im Gale, nice to meet you Ophelia".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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boundaries chapter 2 (final part)Where stories live. Discover now