Chapter 1.

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Winter Guardian walked through the long, icy halls of their palace, princess Star Frost following close behind.
"I still don't see why we have to meet all of the sets. Most of them are too angry to even stop fighting." Star Frost said quietly, crossing her arms, her scepter nearly hitting her head.
"It's not like it will stop, but we need to at least strike fear into them if it won't work." Winter Guardian pointed out with a malicious grin. Her assistant opened the tall brown, golden encrusted doors, revealing each of the sets sitting at a long table.
"Oh, the 'queen' herself is finally here." Shadow Empress sneered with a grin. "And her little ice skater of a daughter." She added, watching Star Frost resist the urge to club her with her scepter.
Winter Guardian ignored Shadow Empress, and sat at the head of the table, Royal Rebel on her left, and Star Frost to her right.
She cleared her throat, adjusting her sleeves before speaking.
"My husband suggested that I should try to make peace with you all." She said, watching baby doll shift around in her seat, looking at the room. "And he suggested some sort of peace treaty you all should sign."
Shadow empress snorted, getting a glare from Star Frost.
Cherry Blossom raised her hand, her fan was closed and laying in front of her. Winter Guardian nodded at her direction.
"Why would we willingly sign a peace treaty? Our people still like only us." She pointed out, adjusting her sleeves so her hands were slightly visible.
"Well, we can't remain at war forever." Mon Chéri said, her hands on her lap properly.
"We just might, just to show you that it's not all about fancy-shmanchy stuff." Shadow Empress snorted, putting her boots on the table.
Pop Star was resisting the urge to slap Dear Dolly across the face, Baby Doll was arguing with Cherry Blossom, Star Frost was shouting at Shadow Empress, Royal Rebel was saying Darling Valentina needs to 'shut up about everyone needing to be adorable', Lady Rose was arguing with Fluttering Butterfly, while Enchanting Heirloom was trying to drown everyone out with Melanie Martinez in her headphones.
   "ENOUGH." Winter Guardian said, slamming her hands on the table as she stood up. "My husband was wrong, nothing will solve this war. Everyone out of my castle and back to your kingdoms at once."

Starfrost's POV.

Starfrost skated through the ice-floored halls, she breathed out, seeing her own breath. Mother had sent her a letter from her room saying she needed to go to the courtyard. She often did that when she was in a bad mood, and she was of course upset after that fight with the sets.
   "Hello?" Starfrost muttered, standing in the large archway that opened to the courtyard. "Hello?" She tried once more. Maybe  something came up with mother? Starfrost thought, balancing her scepter on her shoulder as she walked around the courtyard. Maybe mother's hidden because it's a secret meeting?
   Something grabbed her shoulders, making her jump. She spun around, pointing her scepter at whoever it was.
   "Hey Starry." Said Shadow Empress, removing a skull mask from her face. Starfrost lowered her scepter, keeping it level with Shadow Empress's stomach. "Awh, no welcome party for princess Shadow Empress?" She asked in a sarcastic voice.
   "What are you doing here?" Starfrost demanded, she hadn't realized how tall Shadow Empress until she was standing right in front of her.
   "See you got my letter." Shadow Empress mused, leaning on Starfrost's Scepter. "Knew my writing was the same as Winter's."
    "You will address Her Majesty as I address your mother, Queen Royal Rebel." Starfrost said frostily. (No pun intended.) Shadow Empress rolled her eyes, crossing her arms with a smirk.
    "OK, OK, Queen Winter Guardian." She snorted. "And her little princess."
    Starfrost felt her cheeks turn red, and this time it wasn't from the cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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