Meeting you

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"It died" I stared down at my blank phone screen and spat out a string of curse words to myself hoping it'd somehow turn back on. My music was the only thing keeping me sane at this point.

"Maybe now you can practice using your eyes more" Nanami remarked

"Tch" I ignored her comment and shoved my phone in my pocket. Beads of sweat were trickling down my face and I used the sleeve of my shirt to wipe them off.

"It hurts"!  Ayumu shouted crouching down pressing her hand against her ankle

Nanami squatted down beside her and gave a concerned look "Are you alright"?

I watched Ayumu mumble something to her and the pair went off down the hill while Nanami shouted we should all take a break. Everyone nodded their heads in approval. I waved my hat over my face hoping it would cool me down even just a bit. My eyes wondered off to the sky. I let out a tired sigh.

If only it would rain

"Don't move!"

My thoughts were interrupted to sudden shouting.

"Don't go down, walk back up!"

"What's wrong?!"

"Don't go down there, poison gas is coming out of the ground around here and settling in low places!"

I watched as a man came flying down with his paramotor landing gracefully onto the ground.

"Walk back up quickly!" He shouted

"Ayumu!" Mari slid down to retrieve her before she ended up like Nanami.

"But-!" Ayumu broke out into and endless stream of tears

"The gas killed her instantly she was unlucky that she went further down the hill you on the other hand were lucky, theres a fine line between life and death." The man remarked.

"It's not that simple!"Ayumu snapped back at him. She slumped to the ground and continued to cry out. "It's all my fault that she died!"

"Ayumu..." Mari trailed off realizing trying to console her daughter would be of no use.

I reached for my phone only to be met with my reflection across a black screen. Letting out an annoyed sigh I placed it back into my pocket. In situations like these, music would've been a great way to drown out their sobs. I glanced down the hill to where Nanami's body lay limp. The hairs on my arms pricked up and it sent shivers down my spines. To think that it could've been me sent a wave of nausea over me. I cursed the world for everything that happened, I cursed myself for not being able to save my mother. My breath became shaky and uneven, my vision turning blurry as tears pricked my eyes. I grit my teeth realizing I'd dug my nails to hard into my hand to where tiny droplets of blood came out and onto the surface of my palm. I tried slowing down my breathing but my efforts weren't working. A hand on my shoulder jolted me back into reality.

"You alright?"

I glanced up and was met with a pair of green eyes belonging to the man.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you that bad" He began giving me a half smile as well as taking his hand off my shoulder. "You looked like you were about to shit yourself." He joked, trying to lighten the mood which clearly, had no effect.

"I'm fine." I said flatly. I didn't like to indulge in small talk, especially from strangers.

"I'm Kite, and you?" Maintaining his half smile he extended his arm waiting for me to accept it. Annoyed that he didn't take the hint of me having no interest in having a conversation with him I hesitantly shook his hand.

"Haruo Koga... Haruo is fine." I muttered letting his hand go while avoiding any eye contact. Turning his back to me he spoke out:

"I have very little gas left I could possible take one of you a short way to somewhere safe, although I won't be able to come back." He glanced my way making eye contact with me before swiftly turning back around.

"No ones going with you, were all gonna stick together!" Ayumu informed standing up with her eyes red and cheeks all puffy from her crying. He let out a long sigh then began unbuckling his gear and throwing it off the to the side.

"Over there." He pointed out to the left, "We'll head that way." He began walking away with Go following right behind him.

"We don't want to follow you!" Ayumu hissed. "Weren't you just about to fly away, why don't you go do that and leave us!"

Kite shrugged and gave slight smirk. "I changed my mind." He glanced over my way and continued walking.

I thought it was weird how he kept looking over his shoulder every once in while to look at me. I shook my head and reassured myself that it was probably just my imagination. I smiled to myself, a little glad we had someone to help us. Moreover, a guy my age.

End of chapter~~~~
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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