Chapter 2

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I ran through the corridor to reach my class on time. I slam opened the door while panting hard from all the running I had to do.

"Park Jimin. Finally you found time to attend your class." The teacher mocked me.

"I'm sorry , I was stuck in traffic." I said , obviously lying , making the teacher sigh.

"Jimin , your grades are very low. I have decided to pair you with a tutor." The teacher shrugs in dismissal.

"What ?? No." I whined helplessly.

"It's my final decision. Meet me after the class. Go take a seat." I ran my hand through my hair frustrated before taking a seat next to my friends who filled me in on the topics soon.


"This is Nora. She will be tutoring you from today onwards. Every evening after college you are needed to come and attend the tutoring session. You understand ?" The teacher hooks an eyebrow questioningly.

I nod mindlessly.

"Jimin , your father has made it clear that he wants you to join his business after college and if you aren't attending classes you will not get enough grades to get through college. Moreover , he has told me to take strict action on you ." The teacher sighs.

"I get it. I will attend the tutoring session."

"Good. Nora , take him to the library and teach him what we took in last class."

"Yes , sir." Nora replied. Nora guided me towards the library where I have never set foot on unless to makeout. We sat on a table and she opened her books while lecturing me about the content. I tried my best to pay attention to her but kept on wandering my mind somewhere else. My eyes scanned the library , suddenly stopping on a figure. I saw her writing something in her book completely focused on it. Occasionally , she would push back her side bangs that came on her eyes. How I wish I could do that.

Wait. What ? Why do I want to push back her bangs ? I'm going crazy right now. Maybe it's just a moment of attraction or lust , it will pass.

"Did you get that ?" Nora asked making me look back at her.

"Yeah , I got it. You know what , can you give me a copy of your notes ? I promise I will learn all of it." I said with a smile. Nora nodded and went to take copies of her notes for me. I took the opportunity to go and sit infront of Y/n. She didn't look up at all. I saw she had blocked all the outside noise by plugging in her earphones.

I knocked my knuckles on the table softly gaining her attention. I smiled at her, "Hey ."

She stared at me blankly before resuming to write on her book again. I was pissed at her for ignoring me.

"Are you blind ?"

She sighed before taking off her earphones.

"What do you want ?"

"I was just trying to be friendly. Why are you acting like a bitch ?" I pursued my lips.

She frowned "Did you just call me a bitch ?"

I panicked "Nooo. I didn't call you a bitch. I was telling you not to act like one."

"How can I help you , Mr Park ?" She sarcastically says.

My face crumpled at her honorifics "Jimin."

"Yes , how can I help you ?"

"Can't we just hang out like normal friends ?"

"You already have loads of friends. Ask one of them instead of asking me."

"But I want to hang out with you."

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