fog covered the surface of the ground as cold and bitter wind swirled around the town of Fridgeinton through the night. The only thing that you could see was a silhouette of a boy wearing a bright blue raincoat to get shielded from the rain. He had his gray backpack in hand that had water splashes on it, making it look like a dalmatian's fur. The boy hummed a merry tune, and was emitting bright colors and happiness around him.

    The backpack fell from his hand, and onto the cold, wet ground. The once light gray turned into a storm of dark grays as the rain pittered and pattered on top of it. The boy screamed out in anguish as he was trying to get his backpack out of the rain, but with no avail. The boy, saddened by what had just happened, started to pick it up and try to not get himself wet. As he was walking, he saw streams of different colors splashing onto the ground. Blues, purples, yellows and pinks swirled around together into the dark pavement.

    The boy was frightened and confused. His big siblings always told him 'As soon as you see something that doesn't look right, run as fast as you can home.'

    So he did, until a shadowy figure appeared and as he stared into its cold, black eyes; the boy was gone and the colors again swirled, but with blood reds and blacks, until the traces of colors were gone.

The only sign of him was a bloody mask, with the boy's silhouette making the mask. The mask was also made with neon, and was glowing brightly in the storm inside the town of Fridgerton, which wasn't aware of the horrors and sorrows to come. 


"Thorn, time to wake up honey!" a woman about the age of 30 said outside the door as she was tapping it sternly.

She left rapping at the door for his room and then went next to the room, which had a rose and tree painted onto it.

"Prim honey, time to wake up! Go try to wake up your brother Thorn while you're at it ok? I have to leave for work and I'll be home by dinner." The woman said again, and a teenager with long strawberry blonde hair came out of her room. 

"Ok mom!" the teenager said as she walked into her room once again to get dressed. 

"Willow, hope you have a good day at school too!" the Mom said as she heard a soft voice inside the room say "love you too".

When the Mom left, two figures emerged from the room. The strawberry blonde had a light blue pair of jeans with a flowered shirt while the other one had a forest green sweater with white accents. A dark blue pair of bell bottom jeans were worn with the sweater, and white slip-on shoes to match. Unlike the other girl however, they had blonde hair, almost so blonde that it was the color of snow.

"C'mon Will-Will, it's time to go to school. Go get little Thorn, thanks" The strawberry blonde said and then checked her makeup.

Willow went to their room to get shoes on and then walked over to the room next to them. They opened the door to wake their little brother up and then saw the bed empty. It was clean and made, and there was no sign that anyone entered the room. Willow panicked a little bit, realizing that their brother wasn't here.

"Could he have walked to school?" Willow pondered to themself about that statement. Thorn was usually an independent person, even though he was 10.

"Yeah, he walked to school. Something Thorn would do. Right? Right." Willow reassured that statement so they wouldn't get over exerted. They walked back to their sister, who was still trying to perfect her makeup. The blonde was looking into the hand mirror with sparkles lined around the circle of the mirror. Her thick, long lashes were prominent on her face and her cheekbones were sharp and blush covered her face.

¨Whereś Thornie, Will?" Their sister asked them as Willow put their backpack over their shoulder and told their sister about how Thorn went to school.

¨Letś go Rose."Willow said as dread and fear overwhelmed them as the siblings locked and closed the door, hoping that their brother was at school, unlike that wasn't the case...

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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