Chapter 1 - Conquer

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When we all sleep, we look lifeless. Weak, but full of hope, tired but yet so much potential. Stars could cradle you with open arms as you fall restless on your bed — hoping that maybe, there is another chance to raise expectations with a glow on your face.

As if sadness never competed with happiness, life wouldn't compete with death. In life, you are plural. So many different things to explore. A dozen people to make memories with, a big, shining ball to reach out to, and a mirroring smile to look at. Death, on the other hand, has you single. Waiting for one single drop of life to come through, you could crawl past the thunder and keep your hope all at bay. And one chance comes to sweep it all — ta-da, you're at the start again.

A gray-green eyed young woman, followed by long, curly brown hair at the age of 20 — there was Taylor Annesley. Similar to Jessica, she was also a law student in Springcrow University. She was around sixty kilograms, 5'9 and a pretty good student academically.

She had been described as mysterious and quiet. Her mom, Megan Annesley, was a pretty wealthy, put together and independent woman, having her head up at all times. Megan had pulled all strings, always leaving a deep crease behind. Taylor never had a good childhood — even though that never had seemed to show in anyone's vision. Just like how Megan had wanted it to.

Taylor's hair straightened and put in a bun, a minimal amount of mascara and chapstick barely put together on her face, she was ready to go.

Spring had just come around the corner, as it was mid-March of 2017. Sunrise blanketed Brooklyn and colorful flowers were tossed and smudged like paint on a canvas. People were hauled up in groups as the bell had around a few minutes to ring. The leaves flowed so simultaneously. It was so dreamy and exquisite. The scene was beautiful, so many students leaning on Magnolia trees as it's deep shadow kept them cool.

It was the third week of the second semester, and things were going alright. She was swimming in a pool of poems and classes. Speaking of pools, she was an excellent swimmer since the first grade and she never failed any sort of task in it. Taylor had many trophies in her lifetime and they were all for different subjects and awards. Everybody saw her as the perfect example of perfection, but she didn't really think so — she just saw herself as normal.

The young lady sat then put her backpack down, and waited for the bell to ring. She wasn't much of a social person, therefore friends weren't much of a necessary thing for her, but she still had some from different places that she would talk to everyday. There wasn't really anyone to wait for other than an occasional greeting from lovely acquaintances. Or so she thought.

"Ow, the hell?!" She winced, clutching her shoulder that had just been kicked. She looked up, hoping to see who had hurt her and perhaps shoving them down a toilet.

It was a person's age similar to Taylor's. They had short, brown hair and dark hazel eyes along with chubby cheeks. They came forward with a worried face, "I am so sorry, I can totally give you anything I got- here's my five dollars just please don't-

Taylor furrowed her eyebrows, "don't sweat it jeez," there was a pause. "What kind of shoes are these?!" she scoffed, still holding her shoulder. The pain wasn't really severe, a cream slapped on there could be enough. But that wasn't just the conversation.

The person that accidentally hit Taylor was familiar to her, she wasn't sure where she had seen them, but she knew them from somewhere. "I know you from somewhere," she said, biting her lip. "Finley... really tall, and the opposite of bland. Something else?" She laughed.

The person now known as Finley, smiled back. "And you're that person who orders iced matcha with ten pumps of vanilla."

It was pretty much a big coincidence. Finley was also a 20 year old, non-binary person. They were fine at science and maths, and loved to paint. As mentioned before, Finley had hazel eyes and short brown hair along with curtain bangs.

Finn and Tay had met years and years prior to their latest reunion, at the Rosether cafe in Orlando. Finley had been a barista that socialized with their customers quite often — just to keep them coming and going. One of these customers was Taylor. She would come up everyday before school, and order the weirdest combination of drinks, until she had found her favorite. Iced matcha with 10 pumps of vanilla.

By the time Finley had finally gotten used to the weird order, they started to mimic each other. Finn would pretend to not know what she was about to order, as Taylor would throw him a poke-face and he would "suddenly" understand. That all happened until the young woman decided to move away to New York for college.

Before they could say another word to each other, the loud bell rang. "What class do you have first?" Finley asked randomly, looking at the bright sun. "Biology." She picked up her backpack, "and I have no idea what I have" the young fellow said, laughing afterwards.

"Hand me your phone," Taylor demanded carelessly, as Finley's face furrowed in confusion. "No?? You're probably going to steal it."

"Then you're not going to class."

"Tell me what to type in, then." Finley said, opening the newly bought phone. As the duo tried to open the few websites the school had. "Follow me, we both got biology" she chuckled.

Students piled up at the Springfield classes, as the professors went on how the grading marks would be for each subject.

They both figured that a few minutes of being late wouldn't hurt, so they picked out random lockers that had its key already on — which meant that it wasn't occupied. The lockers were square shaped and had rectangular sized ventilation holes. Taylor stashed her backpack in there and pulled out the biology book. Until she noticed something.

A few letters; "aliquis" she read out loud, trying to remember what it meant. Surely, it was in Latin, since she knew a medium portion from it. She tried to remember but her brain was foggy as a dark night. On top of that, she didn't even know the proper grammar in Latin.

She figured it was just something a student had written when this locker wasn't occupied, or maybe Finn had been messing with her. "Did you write this?" She pulled Finn closer, as they tried to look. "Nope, not me." Finn chuckled, "this is my first semester here, anyway. I wouldn't even know you would be here" they added.

"I cannot believe how many of you didn't do the spring break assignments!" The teacher exclaimed. Some students froze, and the others acted like they were laying on the beach. Taylor walked in, with no idea of what to expect. But she knew how it was, simply by just entering the classroom. If the teacher's scolding wasn't enough, putting five adults from a class of thirty-five was.

Taylor had done the project the teacher was blabbering about, so she had nothing to worry about for today's class. Until a specific name caught her attention. "Group three is Angelo, Finley, Jessica Page, and Taylor A." The teacher listed as everyone listened.

"Excuse me?" Taylor raised her hand, clearly very confused. She was so sure she had submitted the file a week ago. The teacher stopped in her tracks, looking in Taylor in a way to let her talk. "Mrs.Rodriguez, I'm positive that I submitted the project, why am I supposed to do it again?" She asked.

Mrs.Rodriguez paused, and looked back at the list papers she was reading the group names from. "You're a... tutor" she spoke slowly, stopping in between words. Taylor sat there dumbfounded, not knowing what to do as the teacher went on with grouping.

She heard a voice from behind, "well, that's a triple coincidence."

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