shadow and soul

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this one group took me in. there's a guy who seems like a leader, but other than that, there's no clear hierarchy. it seems very nice.

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i'm not too sure what they're going to do with me. the one who found me, who reminds me of a dog, wanted to leave me there at first. i can tell he thinks i'm useless.

Legend Sheikh never had an easy life. If you asked him, he would give a humble answer and smile, because he was a good liar and good liars always had secrets to keep. He didn't like to lie, but telling the truth seemed scarier than the other option; and that was just every day life. After the outbreak, things changed. Lying got easier and living became a daily challenge that was hard to accomplish. The fact that Legend even got by as a deaf individual was astonishing, and even more so once you learned he was on his own. It may have been luck, but his name wasn't Legend for nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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