Chapter 1

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Chin was tracking down their latest perp's movements when they lost track of him 18 hours ago.Or to be precise when they found who the perp was but they didn't arrived in time to book him.A flight appeared to the computer and Chin smiled as soon as he saw the destination.He got up and stepped out of his office and he saw Steve,Danny and Kono around the table discussing the evidence they found at the perp's residence and office.

Chin-Hey Danny you won't guess were our perp is heading

The whole team looked at him when he approached and uploaded an internet page on the screen and the whole team stared at it

Danny-You gotta be kidding me

Chin-No bruh

Danny-He's going to...

Steve-New Jersey!

The whole team was grinning

Kono-What is he doing there?

Steve-I don't know but we are going to find out,Danno you were always complaining how beautiful Jersey is,time to prove it

Danny-We are going to Jersey?In the middle of December?You have any clue how freakin cold is in Jersey right now?You three delicate Hawaiian flowers won't be able to endure it

Steve-You exaggerate Danno,I don't think it will be that bad

Danny-Okay,you'll see,just don't tell me I didn't warned you

Chin-I am going to book flights and hotel rooms

Danny cuts him off

Danny-Hotel rooms won't be needed,ma won't forgive me if we don't stay at them

Danny got his phone out of his pocket and heads to his office and of course Steve follows him

Steve-You sure Danno?

Danny-I put the call on speaker

After a couple of minutes a woman picks up

Clara-Daniel?How are you sweetheart?

Danny-Hi ma,I am fine,I called to inform you that me and the team will head to New Jersey for a case and...

Danny didn't manage to complete his sentence when Clara cut him of

Clara-What?You are coming?the whole team?You stay at our place Daniel,I don't hear a single word,I'll make lasagna and I have to restock...EDDIE DANIEL AND THE WHOLE TEAM IS COMING

Danny-Calm down ma,we are coming for a case,not for vacation

Clara-Shut up Daniel,you will need food and everything,I will have the rooms ready and call your father later to tell him what time you will arrive so he will come to pick you up from the airport

Danny-Okay ma,don't overdo it,the kids are easy,they don't want to be a burden

Clara-A burden?you got to be kidding me Daniel.Tell them that they are most definetely not a burden,make it clear,we will be more than happy for you to come to finally meet them.Will Grace come too?

Danny-No,it's case related ma and she has school.I have to go ma,I'll call later

Clara-Okay Daniel,see you

Danny ends the call and looks at a stunned Steve

Danny-I told you,she will be more than happy to have us


Steve was still a bit shocked,happy shocked,he hadn't met a person more loud and energetic than Danny and Clara seemed a lot like her son,and more

They walked out of Danny's office and to the table where Kono and Chin were and Chin had just booked their flights

Danny-I hope you are ready to eat till you die and get overwhelmed by cold and my mom

Kono-Come on Danny,it can't be that bad

Steve and Danny both looked at her


Danny-I am only saying that ma goes to restock the fridge

They all smile

Chin-Our flight leaves in two hours so I suggest we go pack a bag and meet at the airport

Steve-Okay,all do that,I am calling the Governor

He goes to his office to call the Governor

Danny-Pack thick clothes and jacket and boots

Kono-We don't have a lot Danny,Hawaii does not require a lot of that type of clothing

Danny-Pack some jeans and long sleeved clothes and boots and don't worry about the thick jacket,I have two younger sisters,remember?Chin,you too,jackets I have to borrow you,thick clothes are necessary.

Chin-Thank you bruh,see you at the airport

Danny-See you

And they leave as soon as Steve gets out of the office

Steve-Let's go Danno,we have to pack

Danny-I have to pack for both of us,remember?You have zero clue when it comes to that type of weather.Thank God I still stay at your place

Steve-And you will be staying for a lot longer unless you decide to move out of that rathole you call appartment and fine a house that does not catch mold every two months or gets flooded by a small storm

Two and a half hours later at the  plane

Chin and Kono were sitting behind Steve and Danny at the plane.Chin had gotten his laptop out and was watching a movie,Kono was reading her book while Steve and Danny were arguing about pizza when the plane took off.

Danny-No,now that we are going to Jersey,you will finally learn what proper pizza means

Steve-We'll see

Danny-I know it and now (he turns to look at all three) I have to warn you,my ma will want feed us as soon we step inside the house so close the movies and the books and get some sleep because you will be too tired and I know you won't have energy for anything case related

Chin-Okay bruh,I am not opposed to that idea,I think I haven't slept in days

Kono-Because we didn't slept in two days cuz

Danny turns to Steve and takes the Guns and Ammo magazine he was reading

Danny-That goes to you too super SEAL.Get some sleep because I know you will want to go at the precinct as soon as we land and the jet lag will hit you bad

Steve tries to argue back but Danny looks at him with a shut up and do what I tell you Steven face and he does what he's told.

After some hours they land at Jersey and they head out where Eddie was waiting for them.Steve places Danny's and his baggage to the trunk while Danny was introducing the team to Eddie

Eddie-It's nice to meet you all,Grace is talking a lot about you,Danny too

Chin-Pleasure is all ours,I am gonna rend a car and we will follow you

Eddie-You sure?My car fits us all

Chin-Yes,we will need the car for the case too

Eddie-Okay,I'll get you to a friend of mine,you'll get a discount and a good car

Kono-Thanks mr.Williams

Eddie-Call me Eddie,please


They all enter the car,Steve at front and the other three at the back.After a while they stop at a car rental place,Chin rents an SUV.He and Kono ride at the SUV so Danny and Steve can have more space at Eddie's car,plus Danny would be with his father more and we all know that Steve isn't going nowhere without Danny there

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