If Izuku Had A Pyrokinesis Breath Quirk AU Part 1.

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Izuku Midoryia was a great kid growing up, he
dreamed of being like the number 1 hero "All Might" he stood up for those being bullied even! But that was until one day his mother Inko had taken him to the doctor that told him it was safe to say he wouldn't develop a quirk, now that doctor was wrong but Izuku Midoryia developed his quirk extremely later than most kids. Due to him not having a quirk he did get bullied throughout junior high and elementary school, he mostly was bullied by his childhood friend "Katsuki Bakugou" he also got given the nickname Deku by Katsuki, and most people started to call him that, there was this one time in junior high when Izuku had come across All Might himself, Izuku or "Deku" took this opportunity to ask All Might if he thought he could ever become a hero while being quirkless which All Might had said no to him.

Midorya's luck was about to change. There wasn't even a week until high school, which in this high school the most advanced kids could get to go to UA and if they didn't pass the entrance exam they would be sent right back to their regular high school, now Izuku had always dreamed of getting into UA and just like that dream was going to become true he finally developed a quirk, his mother had a quick to attract small objects and his father supposedly had a quirk to breath fire, due to his parent's quirks he had gotten a rare quirk called "pyrokinesis breath" similar to his father's quirk he could breath fire but Izuku's fire would only come out when Izuku wanted it to, unlike his fathers who's came out unwillingly, Izuku's flames could also be breathed extremely far out, while his father's quirk would only let him breath fire less then 5 meters out.

The way he discovered he has gotten his quirk though was truly horrible, he had woken up to his throat burning a little bit, he had just ignored it because he thought it was just a cold so he went into the kitchen,

Izuku~ *Swallows Some Medicine* . *mumbling* Ack! don't think a cold should be making my throat hurt this much-

Right as he was about to finish mumbling his mother walked into the room.

Inko~ Izuku, sit down I'm going to dye your hair

Izuku~ What?! Why?! He said rasping to his burning throat


10 minutes earlier

Hisashi~ *Calling Inko*

Inko~ *sighs and picks up* Hello?

Hisashi~ Inko dye is sun's hair black

Inko~ What?! Why? Arent the black tips enough?!

Hisashi~ No he needs to look more like me! What if you give him green tips and dye the main base of his hair black, So reverse the colors in his hair??!

Inko~ Fine! Goodbye! *Hangs up*

Present time

Inko~ Uh... Well, Izu. Sweetie, I think you would look even cooler with the main base of your hair black and the tips green!

Izuku~ I mean I guess so... but I need to talk to you. *sits in chair*

Inko~ Okay, what's wrong Izu, why does your voice sound all raspy? *Starts to dye hair*

Izuku~ I don't know but my throat burns a lot!

Inko~ Hmm.. *starts to think*

about 25 minutes pass by and she finally finishes dying his hair

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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