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I hadn't ever really thought about my ultimate demise. I had always thought it would come to me when I was ready, as a friend. But this, this angel of death, he smiled at me, as if he was a friend, no, a lover. I knew better. His eyes flashed black and murderous. No, not murderous. Hungry. Hungry for my soft mortal flesh, and thirsty for the blood in my veins which promised to quench the burning flame he surely felt rising in his throat. And yet, somehow, I was not afraid. I had few, if any, regrets as to why I was there. I was there to die in place of someone whom I was truly, passionately, and irrevocably in love with. The angel, beautiful, if not frightening, sauntered towards me, as if to start up a friendly conversation, though those hungry eyes clearly showed his true intentions. He was thirsty, and I was his meal. I began backing away, and he forward. I made a break for the door, but before I got even one step towards it, he snatched me by the throat. He pressed gently, for him at least, against my carotid. It was agony to me. He slammed me to the floor. I heard a sickening snap, followed by a pain so torturous my vision went dark around the edges. The last thing I knew was his face coming closer to mine, as if to kiss me. I saw his mouth open, his teeth shining from the small window of light in the studio. His maw gaped as if he was going to rip me apart limb from limb. Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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