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John's eyes watered as he stared at his phone screen, bright in his dark room. He swallowed as the three dots disappeared, a gray bubble taking their place, indicating another text.

{John, I'm sorry.}

"I'm sorry?" That's all he gets?

{Somehow I don't think you are. }

He waited with bated breath for what felt like an eternity.

{You knew this wasn't going to really work out, right?}

John blinked. Yes, everything had to come to an end at some point, but couldn't they at least try?


He nearly jumped in surprise as the phone buzzed in his hand. It had been five minutes since the last text; he didn't realize he'd zoned out for so long.

John swallowed before forcing his fingers to type a response.


Nothing. He stared at the screen until his eyes hurt with the light, waiting desperately for an answer. The three dots appeared, disappeared, appeared again, disappeared again, and it was a long while of that same routine before something finally came through.

{I'm sorry, I really am, but I think it's best if this ends. I'll never forget you, Laurens.}

Tears threatened to fall. John hardened, refusing to give in to his emotions. Breaking up over text? That was low, and he wouldn't cry over a coward too scared to say it to his face.



He inhaled sharply through his nose. No. He would not let him call him that anymore.


No response.

At that very moment, John Laurens swore to himself that he would never let himself fall foolishly in love again.

That damn Francis.


hey hey hey so look i actually have an idea as to where this is going and hopefully it won't flop

also yes this is short but it's just a prologue shhhh

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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