{Jin's death}

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There is an old man who seemed to be in his 30's was reading a book on a couch in a very luxurious home. The man seemed to be reading an old bts biography book. He was sobbing uncontrollably as he saw his and his members' photos together.
?: ' 'We really used to think we were the top back then.. if only we stayed that way..' ' The old man spoke, looking at the photo.
?: ' 'There's our rebellious Maknae Jungkookie.. our handsome but adorable boy Taehyung.. our official flirter Jimin.. our wise and goofy leader Namjoonie.. our hope Jhope.. my shy fishing buddy Yoongi... and there's me..!' ' The man would point at the photo of the younger version of him as Jin, the eldest member of Bts.
Jin: ' 'It's been 7 years since our 7member group has become a 6 and then- a few months later- it suddenly changed to a 4member group cause our two maknaes Jungkook and Taehyung couldn't cope with Jimin being lost to the sky..' '
Jin: ' 'A-and then..' ' Jin would continue, his voice trembling from crying.
Jin: ' 'Then.. Namjoonie had to die cause of a stupid Sasaeng wanting to meet bts so the Sasaeng.. hit-... his care with their own car to see him-...' '
Jin: ' 'Then while we went fishing Yoongi had caught an illness after drowning and he- died.. then it was just me and Hope when- when-.. he got ill soon after too but he still kept his.. sunshine and hopeful messages for me as he left..' ' Jin mumbled to himself, lost in his thoughts.
Jin: ' 'I miss you guys.. please wake me up and hug me like you would normally saying that I just had a bad dream and that it's alright..' ' He rasped to himself, choking on his own tears.
Jin: ' 'What am I doing and who am I even talking to...' ' He muttered, wiping his tears and then as he was trying to close the book he had, he was stopped by a violent cough.
Jin: ' 'Where are my medicines-' ' He would mumble to himself, looking through the medicine box beside him.
Jin: ' 'Are here they are..' ' He exclaimed to himself, taking the pills with some water.
Jin: ' 'Okay, now that I've taken the medications.. I should check what's on my to-do list..' ' He whispered to himself, standing up.
Jin headed over to a note on his fridge and started to read it.
— — — — — —
- Water Namjoon's plants
- Walk Yeontan and Holli
- Go to grave
- Groceries
- Clean members' rooms
— — — — — —
Jin: ' 'Oh.. I need to go to the graves.. I should do that while walking the dogs..' ' He said while crossing out the note "cleaning members' rooms" as he didn't want to enter their rooms, he wasn't ready yet.
Jin: ' 'Come here Yeontan, come here Holli' ' He would call, holding their leashes.
Jin: ' 'We're going to go meet your fathers..!' ' He would exclaim to the dogs, knowing there was no way the dogs would understand him.
While walking, Jin would him a song that him and the members had wanted to sing to the Army's as a surprise the day right after Jimin had died. That day, everything had been cancelled, the members couldn't cope with anything for 4 months until Jungkook and Taehyung couldn't take it anymore. After the 3 Maknaes had gone, everything crumbled down for the remaining members. Everyone had died until Jin was the only one left and sometimes he would feel guilty for being alive when his members died. He stopped humming when he arrived to the gate of the graveyard. He slowly opened the door, letting the dogs go in first and then he stepped in and kept walking until he reached 6 graves all together.
Jin: ' 'Hey Yeontan, Holli, say hello to your fathers..!' ' He would say softly, trying to keep in his own tears.
Soon after, the dogs had lost interest. Then Jin spoke slowly, letting his tears fall onto the grave stone as he spoke.
Jin: ' 'G-guys.. I'm so so sorry for living on when you guys are dead-' ' He stopped when he saw his members standing in front of him with glaring and accusing eyes.
Jimin: ' 'How could you Jin Hyung? How could you just move on with life while doing concerts and using my death as a way for you to become more famous?' ' Jimin would speak in a disgusted voice.
Namjoon: ' 'Yeah, after I died it was you who became the new leader and you who took my fame' ' Namjoon would yell in an enraged voice.
Suga: ' 'When I saved you from drowning that day, I didn't think you'd be the one to push me in, causing me to fall in and get ill..' ' He'd mutter in a bitter voice.
Jungkook & Taehyung: ' 'We're glad we died when we did cause I wouldn't want to live with a monster like you' ' They yelled at the same time, keeping an ice-cold face.
There was a silence and when Jin looked up, he found out that no one was there and it was just his hallucinations of the dead members bothering him again.
Jin crouched down and then started to use the cloth he had brought to clean the gravestones as clean as possible as he had made a decision to never come again.
Jin: ' 'I- I.. I can't do this anymore..' ' He would declare, getting up and then heading home with Yeontan and Holli's leashes in his hand.
Once he arrived home, he started to dial a number.
Jin: ' 'Is this Taehyung's eommonnim..?' ' He would ask cautiously.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Why do you call Jin, honey. What can I do for you?' '
Jin: ' 'Oh, are you free this weekend..?' ' He would ask, his heart pounding as he asked himself, "Was this the right choice?"
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Of course I'm free, you know how it is for me' '
Jin: ' 'Then could you take care of Yeontan for me? I think it's too much work for me to take care of two dogs on my own..' ' He would say, his voice barely a whisper
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Why, of course I can..! I'll take care of both of them for you' '
Jin: ' 'You would? Thank you so much eommonnim..!' '
Taehyung's mom: ' 'No problem, I'll go to your place at Saturday?' '
Jin: ' 'Oh- yes please, thank you' '
Taehyung's mom: ' 'No problem, have a goodnight..!' '
Jin: ' 'You too eommonnim' ' With that, he hung up the call and decided to clean wherever Taehyung's mother would see.
After all, he didn't want Taehyung's mom to think he lived in a pig stable. He quickly finished as he didn't clean his members' rooms. Then he headed to his room, he had moved to a spare room since he didn't want to touch Yoongi's stuff after he had died, he never touched any of the members' stuff after they had died.
He laid in bed, waiting for the wave of sleep to come drown him. He grunted after he waited for an hour, trying to sleep. Then he reached for the small bottle full of sleeping pills so he could sleep peacefully. He took one and popped it into his mouth, and then while he was waiting for the sleep pills to kick in he turned on the bts song "spring day" and then fell asleep listening to it.
He woke up and looked at the time, again, he had woken up too early to start his morning routine but too late to sleep more. He sighed as he saw the date "3.16, Friday". Tomorrow would be when Taehyung's mother would come to pick up the dogs. He yawned and then got up, heading to his washroom. The washroom was dirty and it looked like it had been uncared for so long. He walked past it, seeming as if he didn't notice the washroom was so dirty. When he finished his morning routine, he headed out to the living room.
Jin: ' 'Good morning!!' ' He would exclaim in is extra-loud voice only to be greeted by silence.
Jin: ' 'Oh- Oh.. right..' ' He would mumble sadly to himself, feeling the absence of his members more than usual.
He quickly headed towards the kitchen holding in his tears and forcing himself to eat some leftover pizza from a few days ago.
Once he had finished eating, he fed the dogs some dog food and then started to walk over to the couch. Halfway there, he noticed that the door of his and Yoongi's room wasn't fully closed.
Jin: ' 'I must've opened it and forgot to close it..' ' He said, heading over to close the door when Holli darted out from inside.
Jin: ' 'Hey- Holli- you trouble maker! What have you done to poor Yoongi's room???' ' He asked, giving a small playful frown as he opened the door nervously, hope Holli didn't break anything.
He slowly opened the door with a slight gulp of fear the Holli might've broken something. When fully opened the door, he let out a small puff of relief as nothing was broken and everything was in place. He slightly tipped his head to the side when he noticed a small note on the table. He picked it up and read it.
— — — — — —
"Dear Jin,
It's me your hope! I know that you've been feeling pretty low ever since Yoongi you know, passed. I hope you will feel better and I'm sorry for having to leave you but you know, be happy! By the time you find this note, I hope you've found peace with yourself. I love you my Sokjinnie hyung, stay the strong hyung I always knew. I'm going to stop writing now, my eyes feel heavy and I feel dizzy
-I'm your hope, Jhope"
— — — — — —
Jin stared at the letter, not noticing that he was crying until he felt his shirt wet. He quickly wiped his tears and looked around the room, feeling slightly better by the memories of Yoongi until he stopped by the memory of when they had rescued Yoongi from drowning but Yoongi became seriously ill.
Jin: ' 'I wonder how the other rooms turned out to be like..' ' He whispered to himself, walking towards the other rooms and relishing memories of the members who owned the rooms.
When he left the last room, he was smiling and in the happiest mood he had been in since 7 years ago.
Jin: ' 'Oh thank you Holli, thank you so so much for letting me find peace with the deaths of members..!' ' Jin said in between smiles and sobs.
Jin: ' 'What would I have done without you..?' ' He would say, kissing Holli on the forehead.
Jin stopped when he heard someone call his name. He looked up and saw that Yoongi was standing over him.
Yoongi: ' 'Oh wow, you steal others' titles and names and now you decide to steal my dog too?' ' Yoongi would say in a menacing voice.
Jhope: ' 'You know? I wish that you were the one who was poisoned and not me. When I was writing that letter I didn't think that you would want to steal my place and my members' places and our everything.' ' Jhope would say with a super angry facial expression.
Jimin: ' 'Wow hyung, I knew you were clingy but not this clingy..! Stop being so clingy to us and our memories, it seriously annoying' '
Jin: ' 'Look- I'm sorry but-... go away- GO AWAY!!' ' He would yell, covering his ears  as he saw the other members appear as well.
Then as if nothing had happened, everything was back to normal and the members again, vanished before his eyes.
Jin woke up, finding out he had passed out due to the hallucination of his members taunting him. He looked at the time, surprised that it was already Saturday morning. He dialled a phone number and waited for the person to answer.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Hello? Is it you Jin?' '
Jin: ' 'Yeah eommonnim, I wanted to call you to ask when you would come.' '
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Oh I'll be there by 7pm okay?' '
Jin: ' 'Nae eommonnim..!' '
Taehyung's mom: ' 'I should go start getting ready, I will see you later' '
Jin: ' 'Nae eommonnim..!' ' With that he heard the line get cut.
He got up from the couch with a slight sigh and then went to the bathroom to get ready. Then he suddenly stopped, hallucinating that Jungkook was beside him.
Jungkook: ' 'Hyung, how can you be so selfish?' '
Jungkook: ' 'Well, your selfishness won't get you your oh so wanted fame that you stole from me and hyungs.' ' He laughed and as if his laugh had summoned the other members, Jin could hear other members laughing at him too.
In pain, and wanting for the hallucinations to disappear, Jin tried to yell but this time his yell only made them taunt him even more.
Jin: ' 'Stop.. please stop..' ' He would cry weakly, choking on his tears.
Unable to bear it anymore, Jin ran to his room and went to the bathroom, shutting the door. When Jin had felt reassured that the hallucinations had disappeared, he turned around and looked into the mirror. He gasped, shocked that who he saw in the mirror was a complete stranger.
Jin: ' 'Is this really me? Is this what their deaths did to me..? Is this- what the hallucinations have done to me...?' ' He would whisper, his voice was barely inaudible.
Jin: ' 'Ugh..! I wish the hallucinations and the voices would just go away!!' ' He grumbled, feeling suddenly frustrated and angry.
Yoongi: ' 'Then die' ' Yoongi's voice could be heard as a whisper in Jin's ears.
Jin looked behind and saw Yoongi standing behind him, pointing at the cabinets. Then as if he was being controlled, Jin's hand moved towards the cabinet where he kept his emergency sleeping pills. He then popped several into his mouth without thinking and swallowed them
He regretted it as soon as he had swallowed the pills.
Jin: ' 'Oh no- why did I do that-' ' He asked himself, his hand shaking as he just realized what he had done.
That was when he heard a sound of bleeping from the front door. He tried to open the door and ask for help when his hand couldn't get a proper grip on the door knob, his hands felt weak already. He couldn't even stand up properly, he could feel himself being dragged down and he felt tired.
Jin: ' 'Help.. please!' ' He yelled, giving all his strength into that one shout. Then he could hear footsteps heading towards him and then he fell unconscious.
Jin slightly opened his eyes when he felt someone slap him while shouting at him.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Wake up..!!! You cannot sleep, if you sleep then you will die.. wake up wake up..!' ' She yelled in a panicked voice.
Jin: ' 'Eommonnim..?' ' He asked weakly.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Yes, it is me- why did you do that!?' ' She asked, pointing at the half empty bottle of sleeping pills.
Jin: ' 'I- I just wanted to get rid of them..' ' He mumbled, looking down.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Who?' '
Jin: ' 'Hallucinations of-.. my members...' ' Jin said, slightly sobbing.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Well-' ' She was cut off by the sounds of sirens as she had dialled 911 before waking Jin up.
Just then, a bunch of doctors had busted into the washroom and helped Jin onto a stretcher they had brought. Then when they were moving him to the ambulance, Jin saw that many many Army's were crying and screaming his name.
Jin: ' 'A-are they all- Army's...?' ' He would ask, feeling guilty and upset about the fact that he had upset Army's.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Yes- yes they are, what were you thinking?' '
Jin: ' 'If-.. I die... then can you deliver a message to them..?' ' He asked, getting tired and weaker by the minute.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'No, you won't die, I will not accept that' '
Jin: ' 'Eommonnim.. please..?' '
Taehyung's mom: ' 'Fine- go ahead' '
Jin: ' 'Thank you.. I would like to say-' ' He was interrupted by a cough as he had forgotten to take his medications.
Jin: ' 'I- I would like to say..' '
Jin: ' 'P-please do not cry for me.. Army, please do not hate me Army, think of it as I have made a tiny mistake.. you can forgive me for that.. right..?' ' Jin croaked, his voice trembling near the end of his words.
Then Jin still felt tired and he slightly closed his eyes when he felt someone shaking him back awake.
Taehyung's mom: ' 'No no no..!!! Don't go to sleep..!! Don't die on me Jin' ' She would shout at Jin, causing him to open his eyes slightly but they flung shut again as he couldn't keep them open anymore.
Then his body sank down a little, as his heartbeat had slowed down and his breathing stopped then he left, just like that. After Jin had died, Taehyung's mother who was teary quickly got onto Jin's phone and posted a message onto social media, announcing Jin's last words.
:.~The end~.:

Jin's deathUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum