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Hello everyone thank you for the support once more! You're really pushing me forwards, stay safe and remember you're amazing. Slight suggestive. Enjoy~

"T-this pregnancy test is positive." You looked at one of the sticks that had two perfectly lined up pink lines in the center.

"Can I come in now?" You heard Shoto's bored voice followed by a small knock on the wooden door.

"W-wait just a little bit longer." You heard the paces stop and looked at the other tests for a more definite answer.

"What the hell." You talked to yourself picking up another test that had three lines, it seemed to be neither positive nor negative.

You took a deep breath and flipped the last test over closing your eyes. "Then this one can be the one that determines it." With a tense sigh you slowly opened your eyes.

The last test revealed an empty dark screen. "And, no results." You dropped the test on the sink along with the rest.

You felt a ping of disappointment inside, but a slight mellow took over. A small smile was held on your face as you opened the door.

Shoto turned to look at you with rushed eyes "What were the results?" Shoto asked hearing you laugh lightly.

"Well they were all pretty, broken. I think it's safe to say that I can't really obtain proper results yet." You exhaled with a half confusing and half understanding sequence statement.

Shoto grabbed your hand seeing your wry smile. "What do you mean Y/n?" He clenched his jaw concerned, mainly because of the previous things.

You both couldn't help but feel anxious in certain situations or question others' actions.

"Just look." You pulled his hand over towards the sink.

All of the false tests were put out in Shoto's vision.

You saw his confused face intently and sighed. "Its too early for me to find out, I guess I just got too excited." You chuckled though it was strained.

"What do three sticks mean?" Shoto knew from his 'research' and many of your lessons that there were only two possible results.

You leaned on his muscular arm with knit eyebrows. "It means it's broken, unless I'm having triplets." A sly smirk stitched your lips feeling his muscles flinch.

Shoto's ears hued with a bright red. "I'm saying it right now, I can't handle triplets." Shoto straight up declined your information.

You let out a snort covering it with your hand, you caught your breath in the laughter and faced him. "Aww but why not Sho? More cute clothes- oh! What if their all girls hmm?" You laid it all out arranged.

Seeing Shoto's face convert into a disoriented mixture of emotions. "Please not all girls-" "What do you have against girls?" You stopped him, rubbing both of your hands on his arms.

Shoto swallowed hard feeling your tempting hands. "A- I-I mean I like girls it's-" "Oh? You like all girls? That explains the way you looked at the new girl." Your hands fondled down to his chest, lifting his shirt just an inch with a fold to see his v-line and belt.

A mean-spirited action from you made Shoto bite his tongue.

"Y-Y/n of course not. I love you and I-I was looking at her because she seemed odd." Shoto's voice drifted off quietly with a developing blush.

You hummed understanding, your own fingertips feeling hot as you gently aligned your fingers with his belt.

Tugging it downwards with a sprouting smirk. "I really want to believe you babe. But I don't know." Your hand let go of his loose belt moving upwards to his exposed lower abdomen.

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 ᝰ 𝐬.𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now