when the demon's breaking down your door

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{title from Swamp Thing by The Chameleons}


It had be two long, painful years since she lost Misty to descensum, yet every day Cordelia was still hollow with grief. Days passed like treacle - slow, dark and sticky.
It felt as though the pain would never ease, all she could do was pretend it didn't bother her.

But the girls knew, and they were worried.  Every so often, Cordelia would find a new spell or ritual that she hoped could bring the swamp witch back, always with varying levels of risk but the same level of success. Despite being a successful Supreme and the most powerful witch in the world, thinking about Misty made her feel weak, because maybe it really was all her fault. She had convinced Misty into attempting the Seven Wonders.

People were right, when they said you don't realise how much you love someone until they're gone. It felt as if she had lost more than just her friend that fateful day.

But then Mallory arrived. Something was special about her, Cordelia could feel it. Power seemed to radiate off of her. Yet, she thought it unnecessary to dwell on it at that moment, she gave a tour as she would for any other potential student. But Cordelia felt something lurking in the shadows.

The Academy doors flung open, pale fog seeping in to the building. She held Mallory back protectively, believing her theory was confirmed. A figure approached, gliding ever closer. Nothing could prepare her for what was about to come.

"Hi, bitches."

"Nan?" Disbelieving tears welled in her eyes.

Then she saw her.

"M-Misty!" Cordelia choked out. "Oh my, oh my- how can this be?" She breathed.

"You're back!" She pulled them both into a tight and loving embrace. "How can this be possible?" She sobbed into Misty's shoulder, eyes full of tears and pure joy.

"Oh, Ms. Cordelia!" Misty cooed, "I never thought I'd escape my personal hell, until this one showed up with a voodoo demon, took my hand... and guided me home."
She looked between the two of them, dazed, but ecstatic nonetheless.

"I have to go now." Nan smiled and turned to do just that.
"Wait, wait- Nan, where are you going?"
"Back to Papa. I like it down there. Papa lets me play."

And before she could comprehend what was happening, Nan was gone. She saw Mallory smile and bow her head shyly, as if she knew more than she let on.

"Misty, I would like you to meet an exceptional young witch." They shook hands, Misty still had tears streaming down her face. Mallory excused herself, and the blondes were left alone in each other's company.

The Supreme pulled Misty into a tight hug and held her. They swayed blissfully in one another's arms.

"Oh, I've missed you! I was ever so lost... in that darkness."

Cordelia held the Cajun firmly against her chest, afraid that if she let go, it might all be gone. They stayed in comfortable silence for what could have been a century. Cordelia almost wished it was.

"Misty? Oh my-" Zoe's soft voice shattered the silence. "How...?"

Misty – slightly reluctantly – pulled away from Cordelia and embraced her friend. "It's... a long story..."

Before long, Queenie, Coco and a gaggle of other witches gathered in the hall, the younger students gossiping among themselves.

"Hey girl!" The voodoo doll wrapped her arms around Misty.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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