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                                    Emily's POV
I brushed out my long orange hair while singing in the mirror because I was just so excited for today, this was the day I finally get to go to Diagon Alley and get all my school supplies! My parents told me all about it from a young age and I was too stoked that it was actually finally my turn. I heard my mom call me and ran downstairs to leave. "Do you want breakfast honey?" She laughed at the obvious excitement I just couldn't contain "Do we have to? Can we eat after we go?" She sighed and agreed as we left, my father wished me luck as we took off and I waved goodbye. Thanks to magic we were there in a flash and my heart raced looking at all the shops, I saw the wand shop and begged my mom to go there first. It was the part I was looking forward to most after all, but my mother wanted to get me fitted for my robes first so I sighed and agreed. We entered the robe shop and a nice lady greeted us at the door, she ushered me to a platform and began measuring me when I noticed another boy was right next to me also being fitted. He was blonde and had his hair all pushed back, he suddenly noticed me at the same time and instantly gave me a snarl. I looked at him confused not knowing what I did to make him angry with me in less then 2 seconds. He eyed me up and down, mostly my hair "What are you some type of Weasley?" He suddenly spat out. I gave him a confused but harsh stare back as I answered coldly "No, I don't even know what that is." He smirked a bit before looking at my mother waiting for me and asking "Is that your mother?" I told him yes then he speaks again "Oh then I guess you're not lying, apologies then. She looks nothing like you though." I felt my eyes start to glare at this boy I just met but already can't stand "Well I'm adopted if you must know you git, and I have no reason to have to lie to you. You're nobody to me." He instantly dropped his smirk and asked with a softer voice "So you starting Hogwarts this year too?" I looked at him skeptically before saying yes and he spoke once more "Maybe I'll see you around then, sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Tends to happen to me a lot." As he finished up and walked out with what I'm guessing was his father. I mean he had to be, he was almost a spitting image of him just older and with longer hair. I thought about the weird encounter for a couple seconds before brushing it to the back of my mind, nothing is going to ruin this day for me. I waited for the woman to finish before finding my mom and instantly dragging her towards the wand shop, she smiled and rolled her eyes and agreed we could go there next. I almost couldn't take the anticipation as we walked towards the shop wondering what kind of wand I'll get, or more accurately what kind of wand will choose me.

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