omg love at first sight 😈

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Toothpaste is comfortably yet lazily relaxing in his small tub he's been put in. Life has been dull for him lately, and he is going through a edgy depression phrase, so he keeps nagging and crying about his #broken self to his neighbors (people I mean things beside him in the tub like his sister and the face wash) omg so sad 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Anyways, his life was going on a loop everyday. He wanted adventure in his life for once. And then came a day when he found his first crush. Toothbrush.


Toothpaste heard two of his friends (face wash and Listerine mouthwash) talking about a new member who's gonna join them today. Toothpaste couldn't care less tbh, and born a nerd, grabs a book and reads it.

Suddenly, the door slams open and a beautiful creature enters. Toothpaste actually blushed at seeing him (gAy 😈) and then started the cringe lol jk

anyways it turns out to beee

we all know who

toothbrush bruh
find out what happens in next chapter ig idk

toothpaste x toothbrush 🪥❤️😩😍😳🤩✨😈😈😈Where stories live. Discover now