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CAN YOU HEAR the faint playing of the grand piano? It's tune slightly overpowering the screams and nauseating blaring of sirens. Each monochrome key being gently pressed down ever so delicately, despite the tragedies going on just beyond the thin brick wall. Fires burned down buildings till they lost their tall stature and crumbled to the ground. Toxic gases broke loose, suffocating the unlucky who choked amongst themselves.

In conclusion, the world was coming to an end.

So many unsaid words, things that haven't been done, friendships that haven't been mended. The overwhelming emotion of guilt and regret seeped into the souls of the beings who sat quietly, waiting for the inevitable to happen. They were two of the lost causes, wanting nothing more than for their stop to arrive, as long as they're together until it comes.

She curled up against his chest, burying her face into his dirt stained t-shirt. The off and on shaking of the ground caused paint chips from the ceiling to land on the crown of their heads. His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer than before. Though he wasn't one for physical affection, or just touch in general, you only live once, right?

A small sigh escaped her parted lips. She didn't know if it was the nervousness that succumbed to her, or the acceptance of the fact that everything was about to end in a matter of minutes. "Sae, I don't know what I'm feeling right now." She whispered, to the mahogany haired male who brushed the specs of dust from her cheeks.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," She shifted her position by a tad so that she could easily look up to face him. "I don't want to die, not yet. But at the same time, now that I don't exactly have a choice, I'm having a hard time giving a fuck." Vulgarities weren't something she was fond of, but what was the point of being so careful anymore?

It was all so scary, a whirlwind of unidentified feelings. After all, death was lurking upon the corner, waiting for the lights to dim and the sky to fall.

They were only 18.

So young, and so inexperienced. And till death do they part, they said. However, that was sooner than expected. Their future was stolen from them, slipping from their grasp like sweet trickling syrup. No college, no marriage, no family; nothing.

The word, "nothing", etched it's way into their minds, because nothing was all they had.

They sat in a large field, greens and yellows taking over their vision, their eyes adjusting to the dark. It was almost midnight, the sky mixed with hues of dark blues and blacks. The stars painted themselves on its canvas, lighting the land underneath them, as the couple intertwined the fingers, holding back their silly smiles.

"You leave for Spain tomorrow, don't you?" She asked her boyfriend, a small frown lacing her lips. Long distance wasn't easy, they knew that. While their relationship grew, the fear of being left behind only formed a monster that was being restrained from destroying everything.

"I do." He said. His green eyes mesmerized her, the reflection from the moon pulling her in. "But, I'll be back. You know I'll never leave you hanging. After all, I've been visiting you since I first went abroad."

He was right.

Itoshi Sae was a grade-a asshole. He was cold, blunt, and practically despised the unworthy. A burning hatred for Japan's football team rested at the pit of his stomach. Yet he was something far more extraordinary within his usual nature. Being a football star at such a young age built his ego and pride, it played him like a video game, stopping whenever he was with her; [L/N] [Y/N].

Because he loved her; he loved her more than anything, as cheesy as it sounds.

And she knew that.

"Sae, I love you. Even though you're kinda shit sometimes."

"You could've left the last part out."

"Whatever, you and I both know it's 100% true."

He curled his fingers to hold up her chin, using the pad of his thumb to graze her bottom lip before slowly connecting the two of them together. Bright flashing lights were all they saw beneath their closed eyes. Small words of love and comfort exchange between them as the world shook.

One second.


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i can't write anything but sae angst, this is bad 😟

- yumi


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