☑chapter 1

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So hey guys this is my first ever book on wattpad so stick with me on this. My up dates will come when they come. I dont have internet connection at home so y'all will get very infrequent up dates but they will come i promise. I'd like it if you all gave me ideas or even just constructive criticism. 'Twould be much appreciated.
Thanks loves



Background information
Knox Jacobs: 17 year old orphaned bad boy looking for fun and maybe just a little trouble.

Vincent Catalonia:900 year old vampire just drifting around waiting for his perfect match, hoping that there is one for him

One meeting that will change them both forever, that gives them both a new reason to live, to change.




"Knoxe Kendall Jacobs, if you don't hurry your ass up and get down here you wont get food and you'll be late for school. I'm serious about the food your dad and brothers are fat asses and dont know when to quit eating. So...chop chop pretty love, lets go."

My crazy mom(AN/really his aunt you'll learn more) yell at the top of her lungs right next to my ear. As if i had no ears and even then i would still hear her a mile away. If she keeps it up i won't be able to hear by the time I'm twenty.

"God, shut the hell up mom. I'm asleep, not dead. What the heak is your problem?" I stated a little harsh

"Knoxe Kendall, i dont ever wanna hear you say that to me ever again do you understand me?"she stated pulling me out of the bed,chuckled slightly, ad pulled me by my big toes to the bathroom down the hall from my room, even though I'm not wearing any clothes.

I've always slept naked. When i was a baby she would put me down for a nap and I'd always wiggle out of my diapers. I guess it just stuck and im still .doing it. to this day i cant stand wearing clothes to bed so i dont go to sleepovers or have them. That be a little weird.

I love her. Really i do the way we act its all just a joke. She and i are closer than me and any of my brothers, and maybe it's because im the youngest. In order, oldest to youngest there's Johna, Jermiah, and Torus, twenty-three year old triplets, Dakohda and Devohn, twenty year old twins, then me Knoxe seventeen and counting. Four months and twelve days till christmas and my eighteenth birth day, hallelujah.

"Now you get in there take the quikest shower if your life and get your ass down there. I'll save you some pancakes and sausage, m'kay baby?" She said softly stroking my head, knowing that was my favorite thing about breakfast.

"Yeah yeah I'll be down in like, fine minutes, kay" i shut the door and groaned. Today is going to be a really shitty day


Drifting is getting old. Life just continuing is getting old. One day I'll just give up, because i have no one and i probably never will.

"Vinny stop brooding. We're going to a new town next week. Mabe your mate will be there" Bartholomew, Tholo for short, my brst friend told me
'Yeah i hope so, Tholo,i hope so' i said in our mind link. Mabe, but i wont get my hopes up

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2015 ⏰

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