How i see it

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This is how I see their family dynamic.

Matty: Is the Mum

Jack: Is the overprotective dad

Riley: Is the only girl so she gets a lot of attention from Jack

Bozer: Is the forgotten middle child

Mac: Is the favourited youngest child that everyone loves and is protective over (But mostly by Jack)

Basically Matty and Jack are divorced parents Jack had custody for the most part and now Matty is back and they're working on being co-parents but not getting together.

As for the sibling dynamic it's clear that Jack pays more attention to Mac and Riley. I'm not saying Riley is the oldest or that Mac is younger than them it's just how I see their sibling connection.

Mac and Riley are basically the same age but Mac ultimately gets more attention than Riley making him the youngest child and since Riley is the only girl she gets more attention than Bozer who no one really pays attention to so he's basically the middle child who doesn't get noticed as much.

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