The Truth

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"So...How am I going to tell her?"

I set my cup of tea on the night stand beside my bed. I finally let jessie come into my room for the first time. She didn't care that I was a boy now she treated me like I was still a girl (other than like the spa dates we went on).

"I mean I told noah after having sex with him"

"That's different! Noah's your baby daddy and he was more understanding. I don't know how Elizabeth is going to take it."

"True. Men are more understanding then women."

I just stared at her like she was dumb. Cause she was acting slow as hell.

"She just told me she loved me last week. I've never told anyone this short of a notice."

"Just be yourself and tell her the truth as it is."

I picked my cup if tea off the night stand and took a sip before I burnt my lip.

"For being the strongest devil you sure do get hurt a lot."

I set the cup down and smack her upside her head.

"Im not the strongest. Dad is."

Jessie's face dropped as she saw my muscles tense as I talked.the doorbell rang and i set my foot on the floor to see who was at the door and no doubt about it,it was Elizabeth.

"Now there is no escaping this."

I curled up into a ball as jessie went to open the door. I heard talking and footsteps and then my door being swung back open.

Liz shut my door behind her. Even though I couldn't see her I knew that she was staring at me. She took her shoes off before coming any further into my room. I turned my body so I was laying flat on my back.

She walked over to me and sat on my stomach facing me. I sat up and put my hands around her waist and put my head in the crook of her neck.

"How was your day."

"The same. But now i'm starting to talk to jessie more."

She started scratching my head with one of her hands and she wrapped her other hand around my neck pulling me closer.

"That's good. I mean your making progress."

"Hey anonymous question. What would you so if you found out that someone that you care about isn't human?"

"Umm... I think i'd keep it a secret. I mean I don't want anything to happen to them if I cared so much about them."

I smiled at her response. To be honest it made me happy that she would do that. But then again she is the nicest girl in the school. Speaking of which...

"Hey what's up with school?"

"If your asking if everything is ok,yes. But some people think your dead."

"Really? Then I think i'll have to pick you up after school."

"No! My brothers would kill you."

"Can i tell you something?"

She nodded yes. I leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"They can't kill me."

I got a low hum in response.

'Yeah and when they do that's not my problem.'

She really didn't believe me. Ok.

"There's a reason why they won't be able to."

"Oh yeah,and why is that?"

I was trying to debate on weather I wanted to tell her or not.

Fuck it

"Im not even human. That's why."

She started laughing at me

"Very funny but I don't believe that anyone would believe that."

I got up and stared directly into her eyes.

She looked confused. I put both my hands behind my back but let my left hand seem like it was holding a handle of some sort. I equiped my scythe and watched as she scooted back some on the bed.

Her breathing started to speed up a bit and to be honest I got kind of scared. She curled up into a ball like she was going to explode.

"That's so cool! What other things can you do? Is that why your so strong? Have you ever killed anyone or anything? Is your blood red!?"

As she spoke she jumped off the bed and started jumping infront of me. I smiled at her excitement to know more about me. Counting on my fingers i answered her questions.

"I can run faster than the speed of light.  I can give off mass body heat and coolness. I can jump super high. And I am trained as a skilled assassin."

She smiled at me and said something about me training her. I agreed. If I was going to date someone hot I need to be able to know that they can take care of themselves.

She jumped up and down in the spot she was on the floor.

"To finish the rest of your question:yes,yes devils and demons,and my blood is red."

She stopped jumping and her face went flat.

"What are you? You mentioned demons and devils. Im a little confused"

"Im a devil."

She took it relatively nice. She kept jumping around my room and I just know my dad is going to be bitching once she leaves.

"I have a question though."

Liz was now sitting criss cross in the middle of my bed. I perked my head up in response to tell her to go on.

"Why did you switch genders?"

I froze not knowing how to answer her.

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