day 1- 💃💅

192 12 25

Remi added Seraphina, Isen, Blyke, Arlo, Elaine

Remi: Hey everyone! I made a groupchat for the royals! I think it's easier for us to spread the word this way. :)

Seraphina changed their name to Sera

Sera: K
Sera: I'm gonna do smthn ur not gonna like :p

Arlo: No.

Sera: ...

Arlo: Seraphina, don't.

Sera: :)

Seraphina added JohnTho


Arlo left

JohnTho: Well fuck you too

JohnTho changed their name to John

John: Anyways

Remi: Sera

John: hi

Remi: ur not Sera

Sera: :)

Remi: Why

Sera: I wanted to watch u suffer

John: that's supposed to be my line

Blyke: accurate

Sera added Arlo

Sera: Ha get fucked

John: loser

Arlo: I hate both of you.

John: 💃💅

Arlo: Ew wtf?

John: ?

Arlo: Those emojis.

Jarlo: 😃

Arlo: You disgust me.

Blyke: Why tf is John here??
Blyke: Didn't he literally get expelled??

John: ...
John: Bitch what??

Blyke: ur not expelled??

John: ..No? I's that what everyone thinks?

Blyke: yeah

John: Lol they're in for a surprise 😌✌

John added Adrion

Adrion: ?

John: anyways

Adrion: :(

John: :)
John: where's the rat

Sera: who?

John: the rat

unOrdinary chat fic (I Made This Like 4 Months Ago When I Was Bored)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt