The bet

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"Get her in bed in 7 days" whispered Jack as he stared at a pretty girl. She was beautiful. I stared at her hair, eyes, curves, the way she smiled. But she was just another girl.

Then she looked at me. I smiled at her. Then I glanced sideways at Jack. "Easy," I whispered back and walked up to her. "Can I get you something?" She asked. "Your number maybe?

And then I can take you to lunch?" I asked and she shook her head. "My lunch break is over. If you don't need any books then please leave," she told me and I looked at her with sad eyes. "Number? Pleeeeeeease?" I asked and she sighed.

She jotted down some numbers on a paper and I smiled triumphantly at Jack. Maybe even before 7 days! But as she handed it to me, I saw that it said:

703-229- meet me at the fountain at 7:00 if you want the rest. But first you have to LEAVE THE STORE. But this isn't a joke, don't worry(;

I looked up at her. "Seriously?!" I exclaimed and she made a shooing motion. "Go go go, this is to show your not a player," she said and I smiled sweetly. "Oh, I'm not," and my mind screamed,

I AM A FUCKING PLAYER, GIRRRRLLLL!!!!! Who knew girls were so hard to get. Jack laughed.
I just walked away holding the paper. "Exactly why am I doing this bet...?"

I asked and he smiled. "I know you will never get her... so if you do, I'll get you an iPhone 6," he told me and my eyes opened wide. "I will, you just wait and see!" He shook his head no and laughed.

"Never," he told me as we walked out of the store. "But if you don't get her in bed... you have to give me all of your gta games FOR FREE," he said and I gasped.

Then I fainted in his arms. Well, I pretended to. Then he dropped me right in the doorway. The girl stared at me. "Owwww..." I groaned and people around laughed.

"Dude you know how much I love gta," I told him and he nodded. "I love my money too... You think iPhone 6s are free?" He asked and I nodded "Okay, it's a deal,"

I said and we sealed it with a handshake. "Cole Jackson... you will not win," he whispered and I rolled my eyes. "I always get them... I'm the best player in town," I whispered back and then said,

"I have to go, bye," and walked away. Then I found the fountain and waited for the girl to come. I never even caught her name...

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