Meet Rielle and Renee

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Long long ago well about 30 years ago lived two sisters in a small cabin in the woods Rielle and Renee.

Renee  was a pale girl with long blonde locks and rosie red cheeks.

She was the responsible,kind and no feelings type.

On the other hand Rielle was the total opposite.

She was short with fair skin and with ginger brown hair.

She was the sweet,heart stealer and caring kind of girl.

Anyways let's go back to the point it was on one cold and stormy night that the accident happened.

Rielle was keeping warm by the fireplace while Renee was preparing dinner when Reille asked

"Sis where has our father gone to."

Renee:"Our father is a horrible man he used to come home drunk and beat up our mother. Since you were little you don't remember that much."

Reille:"But I have the right to know who my father is dont I?"

Renee:"Don't you get it I said don't ask me about that MAN!"

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I forgot to mention that their mother passed away last year due to an unknown illness and their father left them when Reille was just 3 years old.

As I was saying

Reille:"It's not like he will take me away from you."

Renee:"What.....What  did you say."

Suddenly in rage Renee threw a glass plate at her sister.

Luckily it missed her but the shards of the broken plate injured her quite badly and she fell unconscious.

Renee was shocked at what she did it felt as though a million questions were running through her head "What should  I do What did I do What could I do?"

Then she came up with a plan want to know what the plan is tune in next Saturday to see what happens next.

Until next week my loyal readers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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