The Beginning

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Matt woke up. He woke up in his bed and looked around. Everything was the same. He got ready for school and ate breakfeast. That day, was the day it all happened. The infection. He sat with his friends Everdeen, Joe, And Ivan. He had known them for a long time and they were close friends.

"So, What's for lunch?", Ivan asked

"Your Mom's Pu$$y!", Joe yelled. They made alot of inappropriate jokes. They went into homeroom and got to work. Mr.Winzozinski was a really mean teacher. He Made a rule of no talking in class AT ALL. If you were caught, you would have to go to the principals office. They waited until second period to talk. 

"Guys, Meet in computer class and ill show you something!", Matt said. "Its awesome!". They went in the computer lab and tried to get on the computers.

"Why aren't they working, These pieces of sh!t!", Evergreen said. 

"Uh, guys? look out the the window " Ivan said. A horde of zombies were coming into the school! 

"Everyone got thier safety guns!?", Mathew yelled.

" Yep"

" Uh-huh"

" Of course!"

" Lets do it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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