Chapter 1

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I saw hell.

Every pained step I took, every hot breath I inhaled, made my body scream internally. The fire, the smoke, all of it surrounded me like a bonfire of death that spared no one. The heat had turned into the inferno, swallowing all things in its wake.

Every place I looked debri was scattered like legos in a sandbox. And next to the pieces of debri we're people. Everywhere I looked people laid...inert...unresponsive...Dead.  Those that weren't crushed by debri or burned alive..were barely conscious but aware of what was happening around them. Yet unable to do anything about it....I...Ignored there silent pleas for help and kept walking. If I kept walking there I would wake up Sometime right?

I never woke up and I left those people to succumb to their fates.

Yet, the road never ended. Scorched earth and flaming buildings littered the area, spreading fire and death as the charred bodies of men and women were sprawled across the area...they had tried to climb the flaming rubble to escape the fire but none of them had been strong enough to do so


I yelped and tripped over a hand stuck out from the remains of a nearby house. Whoever the hand belonged too was still alive but barely. My heart tightened with pity, but my body...did not have the motive to help. There was nothing I could do

"S-save me..please"

I ignored the Voice pleading out for help of any kind and forced myself to my feet with the unshakable belief that this was some type of fever dream or A nightmare.

It hurts...

My bones felt like they were turning into steel. Hot fire burned through my blood, charring my throat. It was only a few more minutes Before my legs couldn't take it anymore and Fell from under me



Yet, I didn't stop moving. I used my hands to crawling through miles of earth to survive through sheer determination from an unknown source. I realized that I wasn't dreaming and that I wanted to live to see another day. Find love, get married, and have children. I had my whole life ahead of me there's no way it's getting cut short of this freak industrial accident. Even if my bones break. I would give and arm and a leg, I would give anything to survive this hell

Eventually, though. My arms were no longer able to move. My whole body had lost feeling. I could not feel pain anymore, no matter how strong my will to live was. The human body can only go so far before the wear and tear catches up. My muscles had torn themselves apart, unraveled...I just...Couldn't go on any longer...

Then Shirou awakens from this nightmare only to find himself in his share-house a few Days prior to the events of Fate/stay night.

"I keep having that same nightmare" Shirou Emiya says to himself. Even knowing it wasn't a nightmare but a Memory he'll always remember.

Then he lets out a sigh and turns to the other side from the door. "I wish I could be a person That people Would look up to for help. And be recognized as a savior...I just want to help others...sometimes A little foolishly"

Shirou Says to himself...As he soon drifts back off to sleep.

The sun is About to Climb over the horizon on a Chilly day in the city of Fuyuki, Japan. The Normal Teenager known as Shirou Emiya and as always he gets ready to go his school. Seeing Couples Walk hand in hand on the way there.

The Brazen-Orange haired boy wonders to himself "I wonder who'll be my first girlfriend..?" As he walks down the sidewalk on the pathway to his school on this cloudy day on a rather gloomy Monday morning.

The air was crisp and clean. But also filled with conversation as Incoherent Voices And people brushed and walked past him. Until he made his simple route to his high-school.

And then as the Teenager is putting his stuff away looks to his left only to see Shinji Matou Aka the hated one. And suddenly he shifts his Gaze toward Shirou out of the corner of his eye out of disgust and in a Disgusting manner. That annoyed The Orange hair'd kid. But not enough to start a fight with, so Shirou Emiya walks on and away to his homeroom class. Passing the Popular Rin Toshaka who didn't pay any attention to him...other than exchanging glances.

At Shirou's Homeroom he meets His Good friend Issei "Oi Issei" Shirou spoke and was only greeted by a Wave because He was on the phone. "Who could he possibly be on the phone with?" Shirou wondered as he Took his seat in the middle rows of his homeroom only for the Care-free and fun loving English Teacher Taiga-Senpai Rides in on a hoverboard

"OKAYYY!!" The English teacher said as she announced her arrival as she cruises on in

"Hello Fuji-Neesan!!" The class greeted said at once.

"And hello to you too Class!" The Outgoing Teacher responded back with.

The entire classroom responded happily. Every student that had Taiga for English class genuinely thought she was the greatest teacher ever as in always changing things up that keeps the students engaged and not Doing the same old thing over again and talking in a Monotone voice which makes some students fall asleep.

Nope, Not Fujimura-Senpai. Aka Shirou's Legal guardian.

"Should be a Fun first hour" Shirou thinks to himself.

Then, has the school day progresses and time moves on to the core subjects of Shirou's Class schedule, Passing by The lovely Sakura Matou with her mentally Unbalanced brother Shinji Aka the hated one. And heading to archery which was his last hour of the school day

Next, As Shirou Draws the arrow back on the string has he Aim down his bow sights before Breathing out a Calm exhale

"I am the Bone of my Sword.." Shirou says just barely above a Whisper has his senses Sharpened and turned up to eleven for a few seconds allowing him to Hit a perfect Bullyseye on the target making his classmates Gasp and his Archery teacher Cutely shrieks with Surprise

"That was amazing Emiya-Kun!" One of his female classmates said with Amazement

"Oh come on. That wasn't anything special" Shirou replied with a modest tone putting his hand behind his Head before noticing a strange symbol out of the corner of his eye with a figure walking away from it

"Who the freak was that?" Shirou wondered as miraculously no one else saw what he saw

Soon the school day came to an end and It was pretty good. Lunch was good. The day was pretty average overall. Then as Shirou got home he was greeted by a snoring Taiga.

Soon Shirou crawled into bed, having done his nighttime hygienic routine. As He rested his head on his pillow His mind drifted on That Toshaka lady and her estranged 'sister' he only met once and even that was by accident.

He ran into her-or she ran into him and apologized profoundly and bowed with an immense blush and swiftly walked away

Then Shirou Drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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