⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Prologue ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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The tiny girl scrambled her way across the green yard, chasing a squirrel she had seen. Small dandelions sprouted up around every step she took, and the wind blew the white seeds in random directions like fresh snow falling. The chase continued around the house for what seemed to feel like days to the little girl until a tall woman came out the front door of her house. The girl stopped and ran up the steps, flinging herself onto the woman and scrunching her clothes up in her tiny fists.

"Mama! Didya come outside to play with me?" The girl's eyes sparkled with glee.
"Sorry munchkin, I came to get you ready for your dad. I have an emergency call so he's gonna cook you dinner tonight," the woman said softly. She pet the little girl's hair and picked up the girl, carrying her inside.
"Until next time Dr. Acorn van Evil," the girl waved a fist at the squirrel, who tilted its head questioningly before scurrying off. The mother laughed lightly and planted a kiss on the little girl's head.

Once inside, the mother set down the girl and went to draw a bath. The small girl walked into the living room and clicked the TV on, searching for the news station. Once she found it, she sat down and stared intently at the screen.

"Good evening, today's top story revolves around the villain Viktorai. The long-time enemy of AR Attacker is currently destroying 3rd Street, using her infamous ultimate of Steel Manipulation to bend the infrastructure to her liking. We have Erica Parks on the scene right now. Take a look."

The screen switched from the serious male news reporter to a female with white hair and blue eyes shooting daggers at the camera.

"Thank you, Mark, and right now we are seeing a lot of teamwork coming from the hero side of the community as Songbird sings to keep panicked citizens calm so the other top heroes can focus on bringing down Viktorai. Currently, Heat Fury is circling the area picking up any survivors from the crashes. And it appears as though..."

The girl stared with large eyes at the screen, taking in the view of destruction and malice. The flames of burning buildings danced on screen as a camera wobbled to and fro, searching for where the action was. The reporter's words soon were tuned out as the child continued searching the scene for her favorite hero. A knock interrupted her concentration. From the bathroom, the girl's mother called,

"Come in Malcolm! I'm just getting her bath ready!"

A lanky man came in the door and immediately reprimanded the child for being too close to the TV.

"Renee, away from the light-box. We've told you too many times that you'll hurt your eyes like that." Malcolm walked to the living room and scooped Renee up, setting her on the couch.
"But Dad, then I can't see anything! I wanna see the superheroes fight against the evil Viktorai." Renee balled her hands into fists and swung at an imaginary villain. Her father chuckled in response.

"Well, maybe you can see them if they're still fighting after dinner. It's almost six o'clock, how are you not hungry kid?" Malcolm went to the kitchen behind him and got out a pot and pan for dinner.

"I was outside playing all day trying to catch Dr. Acorn van Evil. Besides, heroes don't have time to eat when they're punching bad guys all day." Renee flopped on the couch and squinted at the tiny television screen, intent on not missing out on any battle scenes. Renee's mom shuffled into the room, dressed in a tight, dark green latex hero costume and her hair in a high ponytail.

"Will you be home by dinner or should I save you a plate, Lin," Renee's dad asked.
"I'll be home in time, you can count on it. This shouldn't take long; all Viktorai does is destroy things. I'm sure with Adelaide on the scene things will be over quickly." She checked her watch.
"I've gotta get going. I'll be back soon Renee!" She walked over to her and squeezed her in a hug, kissing Renee's forehead.
"Good luck Mama! See you at dinner," Renee hugged her mom back tightly until she was out of breath.
"Sounds like a plan, Stan. Don't forget, she needs to take her vitamins too Malcolm." With that, Renee's mom left the house and went to the scene of graphic violence her little girl was just watching.

After Renee was washed by her dad, he let her watch some more television while he worked on a project for work. She clicked on the news station again, this time with more anticipation than before.

"...have been going at it for about an hour now. This is the longest battle Viktorai has had yet; with at least a hundred injured from falling debris and a dozen missing, this could very well end up disastrous if the heroes don't get a grip on the situation and- Hold on, it seems as though Viktorai has a hostage? Zoom in on this, Trent."

The camera shakily zoomed in on a woman with long red hair on top of a building holding a knife to somebody's neck. The red-head had a crazed evil smirk on her face and seemed to be saying something. The newswoman spoke up.

"Viktorai is holding the hero Green Thumb hostage, threatening to kill her if she doesn't call off the remaining heroes. Green Thumb does not look to be giving in, keeping her usual steady calm composure as-" The TV blacked out and Renee snapped her head back to look at her dad holding the remote.
"Dad! Turn it back on, Mom's on TV!" Malcolm let out a shaky sigh and shook his head.

"You don't need to watch what happens next Renee. Let's go eat dinner." He got up and slumped over to the table, already planning several funeral outfits for Renee.
"But Dad, Mama's not home yet. She said to wait for her," the naive girl said with a pout. Malcolm was already watching the event go down on his phone, unable to keep his eyes off the situation. Renee heard the muffle of people screaming on the phone as her mother met her heroic demise. Malcolm spoke in a wobbly, dry voice.

"I think she's going to be late today, baby."

                                         ✧༺♥༻∞ Word Count: 1075 ∞༺♥༻✧

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