Entering Hetalia

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(NOTE: I'm not very familiar with all of the countries' names, but I know China's and Japan's so I hope no one minds me alternating with them now and then. :3 Will be written in 1st Person POV.)


It was 10 am on a saturday. I had just woke up. It was actually really early for me. I normally wake up around noon on the weekends. My little sister Miki, who was only 8, was already up and playing downstairs with my mom. I'm 15. I had (h/l) (h/c), and (e/c). (You can decide what clothes you're wearing throughout the story lol). I seemed fragile, but I actually take karate classes. I've just recently received my black belt. I wasn't ready to go downstairs yet, so I decided to go over to my laptop on my desk and watch my favorite anime, Hetalia. My room was painted a light (f/c), but with the morning sun reflecting in, it seemed even lighter. It kind of hurt my eyes a little bit, but after I focused in on Hetalia it seemed to go away. My mom called me down for breakfast around 11. I groaned, got up, and trudged downstairs into the kitchen. When I saw the pancakes sitting on the table, I brightned up a bit. I smiled and sat down. Miki ran up to the seat next to me and sat down. "Good morning (y/n)!" She yelled out. I couldn't help but smile and replied with a simple "Good morning Miki.", and rustled her hair. She giggled and my mother then walked over with two more plates of pancakes -- one for Miki and one for herself. She sat down across from us and we all ate our family pancake breakfast. Afterwards Miki and I went outside to play. Since it was summer, there were dandilions everywhere. Miki brought two fistfulls of them over to me. I took one half and she took the other. Miki told me "Make a wish in your head, and then blow all of the seeds off! Don't miss any! And be sure not to tell ANYBODY your wish, or it won't come true!" I didn't truly believe in these things, but I figured I'd play along anyway. It couldn't hurt. I watched her make her wish, and then it was my turn. I closed my eyes and thought, 'I wish I had the power to enter and leave Hetalia through my laptop, or any computer, whenever I wanted.' I blew all the seeds off and watched them fly away. We played for a little while longer until it was time for lunch. Miki had a sandwich with my mom, and I had (f/f). After I went up to my room and decided to watch more Hetalia. I began to grow curious, and just for the fun of it, I wanted to try to enter Hetalia. I closed my eyes, and concentrated on Hetalia. I opened them again, but nothing changed. I shrugged and decided to use the bathroom, but as soon as I stepped out, I saw the last thing I ever imagined I'd see outside my door....

(Cliffhanger! ^^ I'll write more, and if you guys like it or have suggestions be sure to comment... or something! :P Thanks~!)

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