Chris and Street Lovestory Chapter 5

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<A week has passed and Street is discharged from the hospital and he's getting ready for his moms funeral.>

< The team is at Street's place for condolences and leave after because Karen only wanted Street at her funeral>

Hicks: Street, i'm so sorry for your loss and we as team are here for you if you need anything ok? < gives him an hand>

Hondo: Street, Stay strong. I'm here ok? Remember that ok?

Tan and Deacon: Just give us a call if you need anything ok?

Street: Thanks guys, thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.

<Chris videocalls Street with Luca beside her>

Luca: Hey man, how are you holding up? My condolences man. Wish i could be there for you.

Street: Thanks Luca, i'm doing ok. I know you are thinking of me. Just do your thing over there ok?

Luca: I will < smiles>

Chris: Hey, i'm so sorry i can't be there for you. So sorry for your loss. We think of you and can call always ok?

< Chris smiles a little to Street>

Street: Thanks Chris, i know. But i gotta go.. the car is here.

Chris and Luca: Stay Strong!

< Street hangs up and leaves for the car with the coffin in it>

< The coffin slowly goes down in the grave and Street is standing next to it>

Street: Goodbye mom, it's ok, you're at peace now.. gonna miss you..

< A tear is running down his cheek, he looks up and he sees Luca and Chris>

Chris: Should we go there? or wait a little while longer?

Luca: I think you two have waited to long < winks>

Chris: What do you mean?

Luca: Just go to your man ok! < winks once again>

Chris: <smiles, gives Luca a hug> Thanks!

< Chris walks up to Street and he does the same, they hug each other tight, look at each other and Street cries>

Chris: I've missed you so much!< Street still in shock kisses Chris>

Street: But how? How long have you been here?

Chris: It doesn't matter how, I'm here..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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