Part 1

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It was an early morning . The sun was rising so it was time for Morgan Stark to annoy her older sister. "SISSY." Were the only things to be hear over the load knocking at the door. "IM NOT AWAKE YET." Y/N called out , hoping to silence her eager sister.
"MOMMY MADE PANCAKES." OoO did Morgan know how to get her sister up.
"Never mind. I'm awake." Y/N got up , checked herself out in the mirror and moved in with her day. The door opened with a slight creak and the bright morning light flooded the hallway. Y/N always slept with the curtains open . When Morgan had asked her why she said ' Well so I can see the evil German Ninjas outside' .

"Breakfast Darking Daughters of mine." Tony called from the kitchen. Oh god. Dad made breakfast. "I am going to be so surprised if the house isn't on fire."
"Wow someone is optimistic today." Tony said sarcastically.
"What can I say, you were always the cook of the family." Y/N flashed a smile and sat down , dragging Morgan into her chair after. "Anything exciting happening today girls."
"Not really , what about you." Y/N picked up a pancake and shoved it into her mouth. It tasted surprisingly good. "Oh nothing , just getting a new  for the Avengers , that's all."
"Cool, what's their name." Morgan asked , mesmerised at the thought of a new Avenger.
"Well her name is Y/N Stark and she will be IronKid."
"What , seriously. You said I could never join the avengers because it was quote on quote ' too dangerous ' "
"Well people change opinions."
"Not you'd on cheeseburgers"
"HOW WASNI MENAT TO KNWO IT WAS BEEF." Dad was a bit simple when it came to things like this." Anyways we need to get going if you want proper training with Agent Hill."


We arrived at stark towers. It was my first time being in the building although I had saw it many times before. I used to meet up at a specific cafe with friends when my dad went on missions to see him fly past. We walked in and went to the person at the front desk. "Hello, lovely day isn't it."
"Yes it is Mr Stark." At that the doors opened leading into a separate hallway. Dad told me to wait as he want inside . "Friday , can I get a drink."
"You know I do not work like that Miss Stark."
"Damn it, I thought dad had updated you , for me."
"You already know he is too busy with work and he has a team to lead." I was a tad upset that I didn't get my drink ." Your presence is requested upstairs Miss Stark."

I stood outside the doors waiting for my father to call me in when I hears him clear his throat. "Today he have a new recruit."
"What can he do." A masculine voice said.
"I think I will let HER explain."
"Hola mi amigos." The room went silent as they stared at you. "My name is Y/N Stark, this weirdos daughter and I shall be joining you in future missions."
"Wow Tony, never told us you had a hot daughter." A y'all , blonde , muscular man said. He has a red cloak and wore silver armour as he held a large hammer.
It was a women in the back that had caught my eye. She had seemed to be the only one not paying attention. "Natasha , you there." Dad barked
"Huh , oh yeah, just thinking." The redhead replied. We met eyes until I looked away. "Natasha , nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too."
"The names Steve, Steve Rogers." The man with the masculine voice said.
"Oh, Capsicle. Haha your old." The man with the Hammer and cloak burst out laughing.
"Well , like father like daughter."
"The names Thor, Odinson. The God of thunder." The man with the hammer said.
"This is mjolner."
"You named it. Wow." Thor looked at me confused.
"This is Bruce, Maria, Nick, Clint, Wanda, Falcon and Rhodney."
"Nice to meet you all."
"Natasha if you wouldn't mind showing Y/N her room."
"Why me."
"Because you seem to not be listening to anything else."
"Wow you sound like my teacher." I joined into the conversation. Dad just looked at me and shook my head."And I'm talking about my maths teacher." I didn't like my maths teacher. They always picked me to answer when I didn't want to.
"Right , off you go before I rethink letting you join the Avengers."

Natasha led me out of the room and into a long hallway . In the hallway were identical  doors on either side of the wall. "This is your room, Steve on your left and I am on your right." She led me into my room. The walls were bland , same with the bed. "Maria will meet you for training so get changed and meet her in the kitchen." She exited and left me in my new room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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