The Magic of Christmas

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"Hannah! Neville! Come in!" Ginny exclaimed, fighting to shut the door against the howling wind of the winter storm. "Merlin, it is freezing out there!"

"You're telling us! That short little walk from the apparition point at the end of the street has never been further!" Hannah snorted, shaking her head as she meticulously brushed the show out of Neville's hair.

"Han, stop! You're ruffling up my hair," Neville whined, shedding his thick cloak that was covered with wet little flecks of snow, to reveal a Gryffindor quidditch sweatshirt. Hannah huffed and rolled her eyes, but she stopped messing with Neville's hair and instead began messing with her own blonde hair that had been swept up into a high ponytail.

"Harry! Neville and Hannah are here!" Ginny called, resting a hand on her protruding stomach that appeared to be even larger than it already was because of the skin tight hunter green turtle neck she was wearing. She was pregnant with their first child who was due in March, and even six months pregnant, Ginny still had the radiant pregnancy glow. Her fiery red hair seemed to be blazing from the side swept braid she wore it in, accentuated by the light of the fireplace and the dark green of the sweater.

Harry stepped out of the kitchen. His dark hair was messy as usual, and he had a bit of chin scruff that he was letting grow out a bit. He was wearing an ugly red Christmas sweater and a pair of reindeer antlers, completed with a strand of tinsel wrapped around his neck like a scarf.

"Hey guys! I'm so glad you could come!" Harry walked over and gave his friends a hug, before stepping over to his wife and slinging an arm around her shoulders.

Suddenly, the roaring fire crackled and popped before turning purple and parting for Ron and Hermione as they stepped through. Hermione carried a plastic covered platter of intricately decorated Christmas cookies.

"Neville! Hannah!" Ron exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air. He was wearing a green sweater with a reindeer crocheted into it.

"Cute sweater," Hannah giggled, nodding to the reindeer who's nose protruded from the yarn.

"Oh you think so?" Ron asked, detecting the sarcasm, "well watch this!"

He lifted his hand and tapped the nose three time, and it began to glow a bright red. Everyone laughed as Ron's face lit up triumphantly. Hermione just rolled her eyes.

"Don't encourage him," Hermione said. Her hair was down in dark, cascading waves, and she was wearing a deep red sweater that accented her curves. Her caramel colored skin was highlighted with gold around the cheeks and the eyes, making the golden flecks in her hazel eyes pop. "He was so proud when he found that sweater."

"I just think it's funny because it annoys you," Ron laughed.

"The thing is hideous!" Hermione retorted, but she too was laughing.

Another large pop from the fireplace interrupted the conversation, and everyone turned to see Luna step from the flames, a small mysterious basket clutched in her hand.

"Hello everyone!" She exclaimed giddily. "I came with some bad news, but I brought something to cheer you up! Mistletoe!" She rocked on to her tip toes with a giggle.

"Thank you Luna," Harry said with a kind-hearted smile. "What's the bad news?"

"Oh, Rolf is sick and I must stay home to make sure he is alright! Sorry to miss out on the party!"

"Not a problem, Luna. We completely understand," Ginny nodded, coming up behind Harry and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I'll just be hanging the mistletoe and then leaving," Luna cried exuberantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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