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Ennis shot up with vigor - there went that fuckin dream again - this time if felt too real - his breath was coming in uneven draws and his hair stuck to his forehead, pushing it away he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to bring up good memories of Jack, of their time together but that just dredged up more tears-

"Ennis? Ennis, Honey?"

Jacks raised a hand to massage Ennis' bare shoulder, bringing Ennis' blood pressure down almost instantly - it was okay, they were okay, Jack was here, they were in their house on their ranch, it was okay.

"Cmere, Hon," Ennis allowed - with closed eyes - for Jack to wrap his arms around him and leaned him back to rest on his shoulder. "Shh, shh, dont cry, it's alright, just relax. I'm alright, it's okay Ennis," Jack started to carress his arm gently, Running his hand up and down it. "Just breathe, we're okay."

Ennis continued to shake as his sobs dissipated, Ennis put his hand on Jack's leg which was covered by the blanket. "Jack..?" He asked cautiously.

"Yeah, Cowboy its me. Look at me," Jack put a hand on the side of ennis' face - when they met eyes Ennis searched his face for any sign of falcities - of Jack dissapearing. but in their quiet moment Jack split into a smile - that bright smile that even his dreams couldnt replicate. he had to be real. "There ya go cowboy. you okay?"

Ennis pulled jack into a hug, such a tight hug Jack couldn't deny it if he wanted. "It was that dream again," Ennis explained. Jack nodded in ackowledgement, rubbing Ennis' back. "I - I.. " Jack hushed him again. "Jack I can't do it -" Ennis started at crying again. Jack thought the worst.

"Can't do what ennis?"

"Lose you. Shouldn't a never let you go to start with"


"Shouldnt a drove you to those other men, shouldn't a punched you, shouldn't a hurt you- Jack I... I aint done right by you in so long.."

"Ennis you been doin right by me since you asked me to move in."

Ennis loosened his grip on Jack as a silent apology but continued to hold jack. "Jack I... I'm sorry that im so- that I was so ashamed of you - of us," Ennis started runing his hand up and down his back. "I feel real strong on you, okay?" Jack nodded, he knew ennis needed to tell him these things. even though he knew them himself. "I wouldnt give you up for the damn world, Jack, oh, Lil darlin' I aint never mean to get rid of you or make you think I wanted that - okay?" Jack nodded again, still rubbing Ennis' back.

"I never thought different," Ennis got more comfortable. "En I know how you feel about me and you know how i do you. Nothin to worry about," Ennis nuzzled against Jack. "you rightly make me happy." Jack kissed Ennis' shoulder. "Kiss me, Ennis." He didnt hesitate and pulled out of their embrace to connect their mouths. Jack smiled widely against his lips, letting his hands craddle the sides of his face.

"I'll protect you," Ennis said, again more to himself than anything, "Keep you good and safe, darlin'" Ennis sealed this statement again with a kiss.

Jack let him do as he pleased. "Cmon and lay back, It aint barely 3, we can get some more sleep in," Ennis complied even though he continued to place soft kisses against ennis' face. "I know you'll protect me ennis, caus youre my big strong cowboy. you'll shoot a motherfucker without a second thought if they look at me sideways." Ennis smiled genuinely - knowing for sure it was true.

"Damn right, and dont you let nobody forget it, Jack." Ennis kissed Jack's nose. "Yer my man, alright? My fella." The pride in Ennis' voice was not missed by Jack, which brought a large smile to Jack's face alongside the nod he gave. Ennis then kissed Jack's cheek. "Gnight, darlin,"

"Night Ennis, see ya in the morning," they both got comfortable and Jack stirred at the sound of Ennis' voice "hm?"

"I love you so much more than words can say,"

"I love you too. A billion times, Ennis"

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