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Context: after school. Parker is your best friend, Madison's older brother...and your crush.

Me: Madi, where are you?!?
Madi👯‍♀️: Girl have some patience 😀
Me: Just tell me 👹
Madi👯‍♀️: I'm coming, jeez.
Me: Well you're taking too long
Madi👯‍♀️: y/n, just go on without me!
Me: maybe I will! But I'm not happy about this!
Madi👯‍♀️: 😏 sure you aren't.
Me: what's that supposed to mean??
Madi👯‍♀️: *read*

Madi was supposed to meet me after school. Today is Friday and I'm spending the night at her house.

And Parker is driving us home.

I've liked Parker for about six months now. I used to think that he was just there to fill in my heartbreak from my ex, but my crush never went away.

And with Madi always being there and putting  false hope into my head, it progressed.

A lot.

Parker and I were never friends but over the past year, we've talked a bit more and cut the awkwardness. Until Madi comes around, making faces at me when I'm talking to him and then I get anxious.

So if I'm awkward don't blame me! Blame her.

Anyway, I waited an extra three minutes to see if she would come but she never did. So I gave up and started walking without her.

Her slow ass is taking too long.

I walked as slowly as possible to give her an opportunity to catch up and she still isn't here.

Then I started walking slower when I realized that I'd have to be there with Parker. Without Madi.

Me: Bestie you gotta hurry up. I don't wanna be by myself.
Madi👯‍♀️: you won't be, you'll have Parker.
Madi👯‍♀️: deal with it, love. 🤍

Ugh, she's so annoying. I know she's doing this crap on purpose.

When I got to the car, I saw him. Standing against his car and with his bag at his feet and his phone in his hand. He had one leg crossed over the other and his arms were slightly flexed to the point where his perfect muscles were showing and- oh my gosh. Y/n, pull it together.

I cleared my throat so Parker could see that I was there.

"Hey Parker." I say looking at my phone and trying my best to look calm.

"Oh hey, y/n. Where's Madi?" He asks.

"I don't know. I waited for her at our spot for like ten minutes but she never showed. She said that she was coming, though." I tell him putting my bag in the car.

" 'kay." He replies shortly.

"So how was your day?" I ask to keep up conversation and avoid awkward silence.

"Stressful. Anytime Madison would see me in the hall, she'd jump around and scream my name like a damn lunatic knowing that it would embarrass me. I hate that we go to the same school." He says.

"I know, Parker. I was there every single time. Your face turned all pink and rosy." I giggled.

"Did not!" He spits.

"Did toooo" I reply in a sing-songy voice.

"Well...whatever!" He shouts playfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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