Catch You Catch Me!

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Henry wipes the sweat off his face, because he had a long day. Spending the day with the grossers really tired him out. Him and Peter were exhausted and needed to take a bath. Henry layed down a bit before taking a shower and just thought about everything he's done today.

"I spent the day with gross class zero, my favorite TV show! And saved the universe from getting destroyed by the Dreks!" Henry said in total excitement.

Henry couldn't believe all that happened today he was just amazed that he spent a day with fictional TV characters.

"Henry, go take a shower you stink!" Henry's mum yelled.

"Alright mum!" Henry said excitedly, walking toward's his towel.

"Man, how could my day get any better than this!" Henry said, and proceeded to pick up his towel and head into a shower.

At William's house

"William, your cousin is going to stay here until his parents come back from vacation, okay?" William's mum said.

"Oh, okay" William said with tears falling down his face.

They hear a knock on the door.

"Oh I think he's here!"

William's mum opened the door. Ralph walks into William's small, cute, cozy house.

"Hey William!"

Ralph looked around.

"Oh, hi Ralph." William said while wiping away his tears.

Ralph was checking around the house wondering where he was going to stay.

"Ralph you will be sleeping in William's room"

William's mum said, escorting him to William's room.

"Oh ok"

Ralph looked in the small bedroom with one slightly large bed in the middle of the room, with a heater underneath the big window.

Ralph looked around and put his things on the chair next to the desk.

"So where will I be sleeping?"

Ralph looked around to see if he's missing something in the small room.

"I-I think you'll be sleeping with me on my bed" William sniffled.

Ralph looked confused, almost disgusted at the fact he will have to sleep in a bed with his cousin.


He looked around to see if maybe he just put a few blankets on the ground and a pillow, he would be fine. He found a small spot near William's bed to maybe put blankets and a pillow down, it was right near the bed and the heater, but before he started putting the blankets down he noticed a spider making a little web there, so he decided not to.

Ralph sighed and started unpacking his things. He watched as William played with his handkerchief.

"Why are you so....sensitive?" Ralph asked.

Ever since he knew William, he always wondered why he cried so much and why he was so nervous around him.

"I-I-" William never finished what he was saying because he just started crying.

Ralph glared at him and kept unpacking his things.

"William what's wrong honey" William's mum asked.


William's mum stared at Ralph

"you better not have made him cry"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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