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The link to his first catboy audio

The day was warm and sunny and it was the first day off I’d had in almost a month, so I planned something special. I felt guilty that Baby hadn’t been out of the house since he started living with me, and so I planned a special picnic in the park.

He looked so cute with his ears perked with wide golden eyes looking around him as we headed to my favorite spot beside the duck pond.  His tail lashed slowly eager to be out of the house, Neko’s were a rare sight but not a completely unheard of one. 

I adored this boy more than words could say, possessive almost to the point of obsession, which he didn’t seem to mind obviously feeling the same way.  We had been together for four months now, the entire winter and now with spring being in full bloom it was time to get out and about.

He carried the basket, insisting on being useful. It made my heart hurt that he was still so insecure about his usefulness, I didn’t argue with him about it, since all he would do is apologize and look sad, making me want to snuggle him against my side.  Side by side we were almost a match set, both small though my blonde hair was darker than his paler hair and tail, his ears a rich caramel that I adored rubbing and hearing his purrs.

My thoughts were interrupted by Baby pointing excitedly at the spot I had told him about this morning, it made me smile when he almost bounced in joy only just remembering the basket in his hands.

“That’s the place right?”  His soft purring voice, I loved listening to it, it was the first thing that drew me to him honestly, that and his intoxicating eyes.

“That would be it, ever had a Picnic before Baby?”  I glanced at my beloved Neko who tilted his head in thought before shaking his head smiling at me showing his sharp fangs which I adored like the rest of him.

“Alright, put the basket down on the ground by the tree and help me spread out the blanket.”  I instructed carefully unpacking the thick quilt I had brought along for us to sit on.

Quickly he did as instructed, almost shyly taking the other side of the quilt and spreading it out on the flat ground, this was a quiet part of the park that most people didn’t go to, which is why I loved it so much, not being a very social creature myself.

After that I grabbed the basket telling him to get comfortable as I started setting out the food including a thermos of warm milk, which Baby loved.  Together we began eating the food, tuna sandwiches, bottled water and some gingersnaps I had made that morning.  Baby loved the sandwiches, actually eating two before he apologized for being so greedy.

“Baby you’re just fine, I made the food to be eaten, besides I like seeing you happy.”  Leaning over I kissed his nose and enjoyed the bashful look he got actually blushing.

“Only if you say it's okay, they were really good.”  He eyed the thermos but did not mention it.

I smirked and opened it offering him the contents, his tail nearly quivered as he took the warm liquid in his hands before looking at me hesitantly.

“Are you sure you don’t want any?  I…I can share with you.”

I couldn’t help but smile as I reached over stroking his cheek listening to his soft purr before shaking my head pushing the thermos closer to his mouth.

“I got that for you specifically Baby, please drink it while it's still warm.”  I watched until he took a long sip, a look of bliss on his face. I would do anything for that face and for this boy who I had found out was actually the same age I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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