Like Calls To Like

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"We are alike," he said, "as no one else is, as no one else will ever be." The truth of it rang through me. Like calls to like. He held out his hand, and I stepped into his arms. I cupped the back of his neck, feeling the silken brush of his hair on my fingertips. I knew Mal was watching. I needed him to turn away. I needed him to go. I tilted my face up to the Darkling's. "My power is yours," I whispered. I saw elation and triumph in his eyes as he lowered his mouth to mine. Our lips met, and the connection between us opened. This is not the way he'd touched me in my visions, when he'd come to me as shadow. This was real, and I could drown in it. Power flowed through me--the power of the stag, its strong heart beating in both our bodies, the life he'd taken, the life I tried to save. But I also felt the Darkling's power, the power of the Black Heretic, the power of the Fold. Like calls to like. I'd sensed it when the Hummingbird entered the Unsea, but I'd been too afraid to embrace it. This time, I didn't fight. I let go of my fear, my guilt, my shame. There was darkness inside me. He had put it there, and I would no longer deny it. The volcra, the nichevo'ya, they were my monsters, all of them. And he was my monster, too. "My power is yours," I repeated. His arms tightened around me. "And yours is mine," I whispered against his lips.



In light of an upcoming season two to shadow and bone, I decided to write what I wished happened after Siege and Storm in the Grisha Trilogy. This of course will follow along primarily with the books, but some quotes may be added from the Netlix adaptation.

I hope I do the series justice to Leigh Bardugo's wonderful imagination and world building. All rights for the characters and universe go to her. I also hope I do the readers justice, with so many of my friend's works on wattpad, I hope I can put my thoughts and feelings into words that are just as good as theirs.

I hope you enjoy reading!

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