01 - The start.

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Warnings/TW: Cursing

If any of this triggers you please stop reading.

Runa/My P.O.V.

It was Wednesday, I had been laying in bed all day. Surprisingly, I haven't picked up my phone at all and my whole family knows I'm addicted to being on my phone, computer, and being online in general. I just didn't feel like doing anything, I felt like there was nothing left for me to do in this boring world, but that's when I heard a buzz, it was my phone.

I picked my phone and turned it on. I read "1 new message from 'Annoying Baka😌'" It was my niece. I put in my passcode and went to 'Messages'

-Annoying Baka😌-

Hihi, you up?

Yeah, what do you want?

Just wanted to check on my
fav aunt (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Pfft, okay. Anyways wyd?

I just got of school what
about you?

I was just starving myself
while staring at the ceiling.

Oml, do you ever take care
of yourself?

Good question, and the answer is no. Ever since I moved away from my mother's house and started a youtube channel that I don't really post on I haven't really been taking care of myself. Before I could respond I heard a knock at the front door. I got up and my legs felt like they were giving up on me, I headed out of my room and downstairs to the front door. I opened the door and saw the one and only, Addison, my niece I was texting a few moments ago. She looked furious, but worried, she pushed me aside and walked inside.

"Wh.. What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice sounded somewhat deep but raspy. "Jesus christ! You sound terrible." I rubbed my eyes "Not to mention you looked like a literal stick! You're so skinny!" I shrugged."Eh.." She rushed into the kitchen and started looking for ingredients."Your cabinets are empty..! Whatever, you're lucky I brought some food with me." I remained silent and stared at her as she pulled a Panda Express bag from out of her backpack.

She knew I loved Panda Express, and I hated that. She knew I loved starving myself, and she was making me hungry. I crossed my arms and she grinned handing me the bag. "Me and you both know you love Panda Express, and your getting hungry"She said, snickering. I scoffed and sighed taking the bag and pulled out the box of food, then opening it.

[A beautiful t i m e s k i p]

I had finished my food and was sitting on the couch, my niece sitting next to me, She said she was trying to comfort me. She was telling me things I should be proud of since she couldn't/wouldn't touch me because she knew I hated being touched, well that was before she left. She had been at my house for 2-3 hours, I can't remember. I hummed as I headed back up the stairs and back into my room. I jumped onto my bed and looked at me phone, I got a notification but before I could look at it I fell asleep.

If I was in Hope's PeakWhere stories live. Discover now