dream 1 diluc

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I was wandering around somewhere when all of a sudden I realize I'm wearing white and light blue clothes I kinda look like Weiss from rwby but whatever anyways so I find myself watching someone with red hair sitting down at a random lake, hes fine and attractive and yall will see why so we're both sitting here silently when someone else comes over and pats their back and I notice he's washing cuts off from what looks like some fight and I was interested and was abt to speak up when they left I followed them back to a city and it was a really nice city and it was fun there was a girl selling flowers a guy selling fruit blah blah so I enter the place they where in and order a drink considering it's a tavern anyways after a drink or two I found the guy again and I walked up to him and asked what his name was he answered with "Diluc" ONG I PISSED MY PANRS I WOKE UP ANS WA SLIKE
Oaky continuing the dream I sat with him for a bit and we got along quite well and then sexy titty man came in and he was looking at ME ME ME yumyumyumyumyum and I was so confused and I asked Diluc yk like "who is that does he know me?" And diluc was like "No I don't think he does" before kaeya comes up and was like "Excuse me but are you parker? " and I was shocked like what the hell how does he know me and I nodded confused and he was like "Ah I've heard stories about you from Liyue" apparently I come from liyue  and I was just nodding and he was like "May we take a walk?"  I looked at diluc and he was like upset abt this or something but I agreed bc its kaeya anyways we're on a walk and Kaeya is talking abt something I can't remember and I was just looking around before he says "Parker, have you been here before?" I didn't know what to say bc I don't even know if I have and I just shrugged and said something like the city is new to me I don't think I've been out of liyue and he just nodded before continuing walking and it was weird bc I swear every so often he was just looking at me confused and I was like hehe °///° HAHAHAHA then kaeya stopped dead in the street and looked me in the eyes and said to be careful around diluc, too much fire you're bound to get burned and i was like okayyy •\\• whatever u say and we returned to the cavern and I sit back down with diluc and diluc saw I was a bit red and asked what happened I just said nothing really we just had a nice talk AND DILUC WAS LIKE >:/ okay sure I have to get back to my job and I was upset bc I feel like I've upset him and kaeya told me its nothing to worry abt and I was still upset then I realized Holy shit Im in mondstadt where am I sleeping bc obviously I can't walk back to liyue
So I asked kaeya "do you know a place I could stay?" And he was like The honorary knight can help, they're great at helping trust me so I'm not lumine or aether clearly but anywyas he takes me and I can't remember which twin it was I think lumine but eh so they helped me find a place with low rent bc im apparently poor in mora so I stay there for the night and at night before I sleep I go out of the city to see the stars bc apparently that's something I do and it starts storming and I'm lost now and GUESS WHO FINDS ME

DILLLUUUUCCC grinblushblushblushblushblushblushblushblushgrinblushblushgrinblushblushgrinblushblush and he puts his coat on me and walks me back to the tavern and im like blushing really hard bc who wouldnnnttt and im in the tavern warming up and dilucs just cleaning up a bit and hes like "Want something to drink?" Ofc i was like no thanks but omg he's so finnnnneeeeeeeeeee and apparently I fall asleep in the tavern and when I wake up supposedly I'm at my house, still in dilucs coatt and I could literally remember my heart beating it was so vivid anyways so I got out of bed and folded his coat as I want to return it, I put it in my bag and I got ready I'll try to draw what I looked like later but whatever anyways so I'm walking to the tavern when I bump into traveler again and I asked where are they going and they said liyue, so I was like this is my one chance to go back and be safe but then i was like but diluc... and so I stayed and waved traveler goodbye anyways I walk to the tavern and ask where diluc is hes apparently off for that day and I nodded ofc being respectful so I'm off to find diluc and since kaeya seemed to know sm abt him I ask kaeya yo do yk where diluc is and kaeya shrugs and i was like dam...So I'm walking around trying to find diluc and I decided he isnt in mondtsadt so I get my sword and im off. It's nice out and I'm walking around trying to see if I can find diluc so I'm at starsnatch cliff and I see him at the edge, I walk up to him and I said "uhh diluc?" And he turned quickly and was like "Oh, hello. My apologies" and I was like ITS OKAY OMG PLS DONT APOLGOIZE and he came up to me and was like " what do you need?" SO I took his jacket out of my bag and I gave it to him, at this point we're close, he looks down at the jacket then back up at me and smiled saying "thanks" I turned red and it WAS VISIBLE so he was like "Yk, the brighter you blush the more noticeable it is" and I looked away and THEN HE GRABS MY WAIST AND KISSES ME AND I WAS LIKE SCREAMING OMG HES SUCH A GOOD KISSER LIKE AVTUALLY

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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