- Florida College Bus -

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The bus journey to college was always tired and uneventful, nothing much ever seemed to happen, probably because of the fact half the capacity fell asleep almost immediately after boarding the vehicle. Dream sat down in his usual seat: next to the aisle, single at the back giving him a full view of the bus in-front of him. He took out his airpods from the pocket of his scruffy green hoodie and heard the bloop-bleep as they connected to his phone. He opened up Spotify, the only thing he could use as he had no data and had downloaded his playlist, and clicked shuffle. "I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of saaad things, we can do the tango just for twoooo" the familiar sound of "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" rang through his ears. He leaned back with a sigh and looked out of his window, following the rain droplets down his window secretly wishing that the one on the left would win the race.

"Hey", a voice said looking down at Dream slouched in his seat,
" Can I sit here?", he asked pointing at the seat across the aisle from Dream.
"I mean if it's not reserved-", he continued.
"No, no, it's not reserved! No one ever sits there, it's always the spare seat. This bus is never full." Dream replied hastily, excited that for once someone might want to talk to him on the lengthy bus journey. The boy swung his backpack off his shoulder, once white with "Supreme" blazoned across the front in white letters highlighted by red, battered and stained out of age. He dropped it on the floor next to his feet as he slid into the seat, as sigh of relief exhaled from his lungs.


Moving house to a different town is frightening in itself, but moving to a different COUNTRY. Twelve hours away from your previous home, your friends, your LIFE. It's quite a terrifying concept, not only that but it was also George's greatest fear (other than spiders) and now he has had to do it. Moving to Florida was interesting, first of all half his stuff got put on the wrong plane and had to get sent to him a whole month late and second of all he was moving to stay with his Aunt for five years so that he can experience "American Schooling" because it will be "Good for him".

My Aunt is a pretty interesting character, she is eccentric to say the least, she dresses in clothes she finds at car boots and jumble sales and she believes that incense and gemstones can change your life. Her favourite song is "Devil Town" and as I walks around the house I can just hear her singing it under her breath continuously, "Devil Town is colder in the summer time, I'll lose my mind at least another thousand times, hold my hand tight" she sings it so much that I started to develop a liking for it and shamefully added it to my playlist. Tomorrow would be the first day of that new American school, the yellow bus will pull up at the corner of the "block" and I will hop on and take the empty seat at the back and hope for the best.

George stepped up onto the bus and looked around for a spare seat, preferably somewhere near the back, he didn't want to have to talk to people this early on. That was when he spotted a seat at the very back of the bus, next to some boy with dirty blonde hair and a dirty green hoodie to match. It didn't look too bad, he was already listening to music and I could just sit in the aisle seat next to him and not have to talk to him. George made his way towards the back of the bus, keeping his head down so he wouldn't have to looked at the other passengers.
"Hey, can I sit here?" He asked hoping for a yes, "I mean if it's not reserved-"
"No, no it's not reserved! No one ever sits there, it's always the spare seat. The bus is never full." The guy in the hoodie interrupted, he seemed excited that someone was sitting next to him. George slumped into the seat, creaking as he sat down. He dumped his bag on the floor and leant forward as he pulled out his phone, unravelling his earphones from around it so that he could listen to music. "I don't wanna fan, wanna fam, Tryna get band with the bang gotta plan", George started humming along with the song, he felt listening to music was probably the best thing because then he wouldn't have to talk to people. He rested his head on his seatbelt and let the familiar sound of "Cash" and his playlist full his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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