The Nightmare

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Everyone knows of the tales that parents teach their children out of that child's curiosity or just to teach that child more about the area they live in, some teach their kids these tales to keep them behaving. Izuku Midoriya was not a misbehaving child, he was an amazing kid that tried his best at everything, so his mother Inko Midoriya taught him everything she knew. Eventually she ran out of knowledge and began teaching him of the myths and wisdom. Something nobody knew was that these myths were real, passed down through time, but they never left a trace when they disappeared from the history books and onto the book of legendary myths, some of the creatures were supposed to be rather modern but an ancient evil collected these mythical monsters, it was a possessive sort and could never bear to allow its possessions to be erased but kept them in prime conditions by continuously putting them through trials. But a force that even that evil will never know about took a myth from its grasp and made seem as though it never existed in the first place as it was turned from a myth into a curse.

It's curse was placed upon a boy of a timid nature, and while it wasn't an active curse it would be within time.

The setting is an office in Mustafu
A doctor enters

Doctor: Hello Mrs Inko and you must be Izuku Midoriya!

Izuku: Yeah! That's my name!

Inko: So doctor, what's Izuku's quirk?

Doctor: Ah, about that, you see this is a quirk we've never seen anything even similar to, it seems to be linked to your family from a long time before quirks existed. Now the problem is that it's so old that we don't have a correct record of what it is, the only thing we know is it's an emitter type that revolves around his shadow.

Inko: I see, I guess I can look into our family tree a bit more but thank you anyways, is there anything else?

Doctor: Not that I can tell, watch over him, this quirk should be very powerful

Izuku: Can I be a hero like a All Might?

Doctor: Without a doubt, you may even become stronger than All Might!

Izuku: Really!!

Doctor: Mhm, now be good for your mother okay?

Izuku: Yes mister!

The doctor turned to Inko once more

Doctor: Take care of him will you? If he grows up and learns more about his quirk he may be the one that ends this cold war between heroes and villains.

Inko: Yes doctor, thank you for having such high hopes for my son.

Inko took her leave with Izuku happily in tow
Midoriya's apartment

Inko: Alright sweetie it's time for bed, if your lucky you might have your quirk tomorrow!

Izuku: Yay!

Izuku went to his room and laid himself down on his bed, as his mother tucked the young boy in.

Once his mother left the room he began to fall asleep, he had a dream where he was a hero, he was saving people just like All Might, he was even just as big as him if not larger. He was saving people left and right, when he brought a group of people back he turned around. When he turned around he went back to his normal viewpoint, it was raining and there were farms and old buildings that you would see in dramas. Outside there were 12 men armed with Katanas and wearing full Dō-Maru armor, they could not see him but they were alerted to the presence of a man holding a Nodachi with a club on his back, he wore the same Dō-Maru armor but insteadof wearing a helmet he wore an Oni mask. As the man approached the guards pulled their weapons out as they began to get into a formation, the ground was muddy, their stances were unsure and sloppy. When the man reached them he was covered in blood with the blood being washed by the rain, as one began to ask him to address them the guard's head flew from his body, before they knew how to process the information he beheaded four more with a single swing. What appeared to be the captain of the squad stepped upon him and began crossing blades with him, the captain had deflected the blade and gotten it out of the killers hands, so it brought its club out and started smashing the captain with it, the Captain's katana shattered while trying to block the first blow. While the captains body laid mangled the killer smashed three more people with his club, two attempted to stab him but he shoved his club through one and crushed the others skull with his bare hands, the final Samurai ran, he didn't want to die but the monster caught up to him and trampled him with its charge. When the young boy processed his shock and looked up to the monster with fear he noticed it was looking directly back at him but as it was going towards him Izuku began to fade. As Izuku woke from his nightmare he felt something in his hand, it was a coin the size of his palm with a crest on it. He looked out his window yet it was already morning.

Izuku went downstairs and saw his mother making breakfast

Izuku: M-mom? |He pulls the coin above his face| do you know what this is?

Inko looked over the coin for a few moments

Inko: This is our family's crest from very far in our family tree, where did you get this?

Izuku: I-I woke up with it mom

Inko: Oh sweetie maybe it's part of your quirk!

Izuku: Y-yeah! You're right!

Inko: Alright well breakfast is just about ready so why don't you sit down at the table okay?

Izuku: Yes mom!

As Inko brought the breakfast to the table she saw Izuku's shadow flicker before it changed, it turned into a large form with waving hair and tusks forming at the face

Her only thoughts were: Oh sweetie your quirk came in, I hope you can go far with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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