Chapter 1: Crash Land

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(A/n): oh boy here we go


All there was to do was hide. Screams were heard from everywhere. We were being invaded. Memories played through my head like a movie.

"Run! Take you and your sister and hide. Get out of he-"

My mother's gentle but panicked voice rung through my head. Tears flowed down my cheeks. My sister buried her head in my side, wanting this to be a bad dream and to wake up.

I peeked through a hole and saw an opening. We could get out of here! I whispered an escape plan to my sister. She nodded hesitantly. Carefully, we got up, opened the door, and bolted towards the escape pods.

The sounds of guards yelling, the ground shaking, stuff being blown up scared me. I focused only on the sound of running and the sound of my heartbeat.

An explosion went of and caused my sister to fall. I turned back to help her but before I could reach her a guard grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She screamed. Tears flowed down my cheeks. She stopped. Before she was out of sight she yelled,

"Go! Get away from here and promise you won't forget me!! And promise you won't give up when things get hard! I love you!!"

She was gone. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I couldn't stand there but I had to decide. She and my mom wanted me to get away, so I did. I ran and got in the pod. I got out of there. I looked at the map and saw the best place to go was a place called Earth.

*Sometime later*

It had been hours, or at least felt like it. I grabbed a bag of (F/S) (favorite snack) and munched on that. I spent the next few hours sitting there..not doing anything. I had fallen asleep when suddenly I voice rang,

"The pod has entered its destination."

The pod started shaking my head shot up and before I knew it, I hit water. I grabbed a bag that I had packed on the pod and swam away. I swam to the surface to breathe and saw a large crowd of people looking out into the water. I tried not to be seen and continued swimming.

I made it onto land and I hid in an alleyway. I had nowhere to go so I sat there shivering.

"Hey! Who's there?"

My head shot up and I looked towards where the voice was coming. I stepped forward cautiously.

"I-I'm Y/n, who are you?"

There was a small moment of silence.

*Spot Conlon's POV*

I was woikin' when suddenly ev'ryone suddenly gathered around the docks and bridge.

"Boss did ya see it? Somethin' crashed in da woita."

My eyes widened. We ran to the docks and saw metal sittin' atop the soifuce of da woita. I looked ova' and saw a goil or somethin' swimmin' towoids Manhattan.

"Newsies! Back to woik!" I yelled.

I wonder who dat was..oH WeLl.

*Y/n POV*

"I-I'm Y/n, who are you?"

"I'm Jack Kelly. You look lost and cold, do you have a family? A home?"


"Well then, welcome to your new life as a Manhattan newsie!"

Jack smiled and grabbed my arm pulling me away from the dark. We ran to a tall brick building called the 'Newsboy lodging house'

"Welcome to your new home!"

All eyes fell on me.

I'll be okay...right?

(A/n): Hey! Sorry if this was short but like it's getting late and my brain didn't feel like writing today but I wanted to go ahead and get this story uploaded because I've been procrastinating this all day. But I hope you guys enjoyed the reboot and I'll try to write a chapter or two a week but thanks for reading!

Stay safe my bubbles!
Peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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Unordinary Love (reboot) Spot Conlon x Reader Where stories live. Discover now