My Prince Charming died

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I do know you'll come around

I know  you will. I believe it so strong in my chest

But you can't be aware about the pain I have found

While waiting for you, my eyes never tells

And you have no sense...

I am crying in my sleep and scratching my eyes every night

Meanwhile, you party like crazy 

You run out of excuse, you know that, right ?

I run out of trust, and maybe,

You shouldn't text me drunk

Saying you miss me

You fucked up with my emotions and hell, I let you to

Tonight I will forget your existence on Earth

Probably at 2am I'll send a drunk text to you

Equality, my darling, you fucking bastard, that's your perk

I already regret.

You met me in this time when I let myself to feel 

But I wasn't always like this 

It was a beautiful time when for me, men didn't exist

Now I have bruises on my knees

How I resist?

I can ask God every night "Why don't you let me be happy?

I like him deeply. make him feel the same

I'm so loyal, I'll be a good wife, he'll be my children's daddy

My heart is calling him, he's in my vein

Give me his last name" 

But God can't answer me, hell, you neither

What a fucking bipolar you are

Your mixed signals makes me weirder and weirder 

Take me or crush me , already there by far

In my Universe, you're my fucking sun

In yours, I'm not even a star

Two different people, that's you and me, that's us, isn't it ?

As you are lovely turning to casual asshole

I'm so in love with you then hate you next minute 

You gave me a page, I wrote and entire fucking book , innit! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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